N I N E T E E N 🧸

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"I've let you have your fun. Soon it's time to come home Yn. Have fun with your boyfriend while you can. It'll all be over soon." The lame caregiver said before walking down the end of an isle, turning left and vanishing from sight.

Yn stood there watching the empty space, the green pony still in her hands.
"Oh. That's a nice colour. Did you want to buy it?" Yoongi's voice broke through and startled her. He instantly saw something was wrong by her expression.

"What's up?" He asked looking worried and a little confused at her change in behaviour.
"I...I uhh...I...I think we should go home now." She stuttered and Yoongi took the pony from her shaking hands, paid for it with the rest of the items and took her home like she'd asked.

He worried about her all evening. As soon as she got in she changed straight into her big girl clothes, sat on the sofa, hugged her knees to her chest and stared at the tv. Yoongi noted that she wasn't even really watching it. She was staring straight through it, lost in an abyss of thoughts.

He took it upon himself to call Jin and explain the scenario. Jin turned up a short while later but  not as Yoongi had expected. Jin turned up with five others in tow. All of them carrying a bag.
"We've got chinese and drink. What better concoction is there to cheer someone up who's in a slump?"
"But Jin! I wanted you to help her!" Yoongi whined, more than a little worried about her.
"And I have-" Jin cut in as he let everyone file past him and Yoongi in the hallway, some taking the food and drink to the large coffee table in the front room where Yn was, other's grabbing plates and cutlery from the kitchen, "-there's nothing physically wrong with her Yoongs. She's just in a bit of a slump and needs cheering up, some positive vibes. As her boyfriend-"
"I never said I was her boyfr-"
"Shaddup Yoongi. As her boyfriend, it is your job to be with her. Go sit next to her and enjoy the evening surrounded by your friends. Doctors orders." Jin grinned giving him a gentle shove towards where Yn was.

As he approached he could hear her voice, already a happier tone than it was. As he entered the room he could see that she'd been knocked over on the sofa by little Jimin who was clinging to her tightly, with Taehyung and Jungkook laughing along with her as she was pinned and smothered with kisses and hugs. The sight of her smile made Yoongi feel instantly better. Clearly a distraction was what she needed. 

They all loaded their plates up with food, grabbed a drink (with the exception of little Jimin) and put a playlist of shuffle and the merriment began. It was a good few hours later when everyone was a little tipsy apart from Jin and Yoongi that the two stepped away from the chaos to observe from afar and chat.

Yn was currently attempting to play twister with little Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung. It wasn't going well, Jimin was spinning the dial shouting out all manner of random things, leading to chaos on the playing mat. 
"She seems better already Jin." Yoongi smiled and Jin nodded.
"I think she just needed something to get her out of her bad vibes and take her mind off of what's happening. Of course it's good to stay grounded and with reality but it's also important not to let her lose herself in it. It was swallowing her up and I would guess she's scared at the thought of having to go back to the lame caregiver."

"How's it all going anyway?" Yoongi asked, his voice turning serious and Jin smiled warmly at him, leaning further back into the sfa as he relaxed.
"Good. Jungkook received a date for the court case today."

Yoongi almost choked on air. "Really?!"
"Really. Be prepared for a fight my friend but, I think it's a battle we can win. We've all been putting in a lot of hard work behind the scenes. We're ready." He grinned, a fiesty grin that exuded pure confidence. 

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