F O U R🧸👿

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"So I can just..come visit her?" Yoongi asked after he'd been in the nursery for an hour or so, still chatting to the middle aged woman who turned out to be the headmistress.

"Of course. It's a little unorthodox for a stranger to visit like this but the little's seem to love you. Little Jimin certainly does, he's Yn's best friend." The woman smiled taking Jimin's hand as he tugged on her sleeve.
"Dins dins?" He asked with a tilt of his head and she smiled down at him.
"Of course sweetheart. Let's just see Yoongi out okay?" 
"Yup yup!" Jimin grinned and Yoongi chuckled quietly.

He'd hoped to speak to Yn but she seemed wary of him and just kept saying that she wasn't allowed to talk to strangers and eventually she'd been taken somewhere else by another worker and that's when Yoongi decided it was time for him to leave.

He followed the headmistress and little Jimin through the halls till they reached the entrance where Yn was stood getting her white converse on as an older man in mid fifties stood over her snapping at her.
"Hurry up!" He spat as she wobbled a little on one foot trying to tug them on without undoing them.
"I'm trying!" She said desperately pulling them on.
"Trying what?!" He growled yanking on her wrist so her face was inches from him.
"Trying sir!" She stuttered and he let go and yanked the door open.

Yoongi watched as Jimin's face fell and his bottom lip pouted and his hand curled into a fist.
"Yn will see you tomorrow chimchim!" She said with a forced smile before she flinched as the man shouted her name and she scampered down the steps nearly falling over in her haste.

Yoongi was furious as he turned to the headmistress. 
"And you're just going to let him do that?!"
"It's complicated!-" She quickly responded, almost like she knew this conversation was going to happen, "-you see Yn doesn't want us to do anything, and that leaves us in a very awkward position, she doesn't trust any of us enough to let us help her."
"S'bullshit." He grumbled under his breath. He understood what the woman was saying but it still didn't sit right with him.

Now the bruises made sense, if he was yanking her around like that what did he do to her behind closed doors? 

Yoongi thanked the woman and left with a bitter taste in his mouth, walking home in the dusk, the rain had stopped and the air had that familiar smell to it after the hot roads and pavements had been doused with cold rain. He avoided the puddles as his brain worked at a rapid pace all the way back to his house.

She didn't trust anyone enough to help her. He didn't blame her, after the way that man had just treated her why would she trust anyone ever again?

Yoongi was greeted by his little poodle as he opened the door.
"Hey fluffster." A tired smile on his face as he flopped onto the sofa backwards, the dog instantly jumping on top of him for a fuss after being alone. He absentmindedly petted the dog as he stared into space, his mind still chewing over what he saw and what annoyed him more was one thing. Why did he care about it so much?

He barely knew her, and yet she wouldn't leave his mind. He was worried about a girl who didn't even want to talk to him.

"Fucks sake." He groaned rolling over causing the dog to jump off as he almost rolled right off the sofa. Standing up and stretching he decided to skip dinner and head straight to bed. Tomorrow was a day off and if he heard correctly Yn said she'd see Jimin tomorrow, which meant she'd be going back. Yoongi sat on the edge of his bed dragging his hands tiredly down his face and his gaze landed upon the happy poodle sat on the floor, innocently wagging his tail.

He was going to earn her trust and he had a perfect idea.

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