T E N🧸

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"That's it, you've got it." Yoongi smiled down at Yn as she dusted the rolled out pastry with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar before rolling it into a long roll, ready for Yoongi to cut it.

"You can cut it now dada!"
"It's Yoongi..."
"You're my boyfriend!" Yn chattered happily and Hoseok watched as Yoongi sighed inwardly, tired of correcting her about the boyfriend thing for what seemed like the millionth time today.

He watched as Yoongi leant across Yn, his chest against her back as he leaned across her to pick up a knife to cut the cinnamon swirls into smaller rolls ready to be baked. He could only describe what he saw as natural.

The way Yoongi was ever patient as he showed Yn how to place the rolls onto the tray ready to bake, a gentle smile on his face the entire time and a warm look in his eyes as he watched her. She'd been good as gold all day so far and had a lot of fun in the kitchen. Even when there was flour everywhere and Yoongi had to wash her face and dust her hair, not once did he get mad at her.

Hobi chuckled to himself as he vigorously rolled out his own dough, watching Yoongi help Yn place the tray in the oven, constantly reminding her to be careful because it was hot. They were a cute duo and Hoseok could only hope in the back of his mind neither of them ended up hurt with this scenario.

Where could it really go? She had a caregiver already and from what Yoongi had told him it was a complicated situation. The more time they spent together the closer they became. It would end badly of this Hoseok felt sure and yet, he'd never seen his best friend look so happy, so he kept quiet about the niggles in his mind and decided that whatever happened he'd be there to help.

At the end of the day Yn was an absolute mess, Hoseok was starting to tire and Yoongi looked down right exhausted. The girls at the counter cleaned up and said goodbye to the last customers as the boys and Yn shut everything down for the night. Yn was chatting to the girls at the front as the two boys did the last few chores in the back.

"So what's your plan?" Hoseok asked, his bracelets jingling as he washed his hands. Yoongi glanced at the younger as he undid his whites and threw them into the wash basket.
"Plan for what?"
"Don't play dumb dude." Hoseok replied as he moved to dry his hands, giving Yoongi a dubious look.

"I...I'm not too sure. I think I want to win her trust enough that she'll tell me what's going on and then I want to get her out of the situation. She's a good girl, and that miserable excuse of a caregiver is an absolute brute, she deserves better man.." Yoongi sighed at the end glancing at Yn happily talking animatedly about something to the girls as he leant on the counter, absentmindedly chewing on his thumb nail in thought.

" Well. Whatever you wanna do I'm here to support it all the way. Now if you'll excuse me I wanna try walk Ellie home." Hoseok grinned with a silly wriggle of his eyebrows and Yoongi laughed as he headed out to lock up.

They all left together saying their goodbyes and walking separate ways, Yoongi lost in thought until a warm, small hand found his.
"No phone call?" Yn asked and Yoongi shook his head.
"Not yet Kitten. Guess you're coming home with me again but we need to get you more clothes. Do you have a key to your house or something?" He asked hopefully but Yn shook her head sadly.

"Sir says Yn isn't allowed a key as she has to be with him at all times unless she is placed in the care of someone else by sir himself."
"Why d'you call him sir?" Yoongi asked without thinking as he looked at her and she turned her gaze to the floor, silent, contemplating his question.

"Because if Yn calls him anything else she gets hurt. Sir says it is disrespectful to call him anything else." Yn eventually said quietly and Yoongi felt his heart clench. She was actually opening up to him.

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