chapter 1

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please read the prolouge

elena pov

i bought a house in mystic falls for me bonnie and my daughter yes that is why i ran away i can't explain it but i had a vampire daughter she is about 1 and 3 months give or take thats why i ran i had a secret relationship no one knew about it accept bonnie and she was ok with it because for the first time in forever i was happy isobel before she died payed a witch to put a spell on me so that when i'm truly in love i will be able to have a baby and only then i am also a vampire but i'm a special kind of one an original due to my daughter when she was born i died so bonnie did the original spell on me

"elena what spells am i putting on the house"she asked

"no one can come in unless i actually invite them in human or not and i don't want anyone to be able to use there super hearing outside out of the house"i said

she went and grabbed her candles and started chanting she stopped moved them around them starting chanting something different"its done"she said

"thanks bonnie for everything"i said

"your welcome it was a long few years and the last thing you needed was everyone hating you cause you fell in love and got pregnant especially by him everyone would have hated you and plus you did what was best for you and maya"she said

"thanks now i'm gonna go to the grill and get food i think its time they know i'm back"i said

"ok i'll stay here with maya"she said and i got into my car and drove to the grill when i got there i walked right into someone and i fell i looked up and seen damon

"damn it"i said quietly

"elena"he said

"in the flesh"i said and stood up

"why'd you leave"he asked

"personal reasons"i said avoiding eye contact

"are you gonna tell everyone your here"he asked

"who do you mean by everyone"i asked

"stefan caroline alaric your brother matt tyler even the originals were worried"he said

"the originals can't know i'm back"i said looking at the ground

"why not"he asked

"cause i said so tell the others but not them or i'll  leave and never come back they don't need to know i'm back home"i said still looking at the floor

"fine"he said

"i got to get food and go to my house bonnie's waiting"i said and walked to the counter and payed for my takeout and left and went to my house when i got there bonnie was sitting on our couch playing with maya

"what happen"she asked when she noticed the worried look

"i ran into damon"i said

"it least it wasn't-"she said but i cut her off

"don't say his name its to hard"i said

"sorry but at least it wasn't him"she  said

"you got a point but how do we do this there are two of us and there gonna want to see both of us"i said

"we call in that favor we've been saving"she said

"only because i know she hates the originals still"i said and pulled out my phone

"hello"i said

"hey whats up"she said

"i know its spur of the moment but i ran into to damon today and he wants to see me and bonnie and i don't want them to know about maya yet"i said

"i'm on my way i can have him vamp me to mystic falls and i can stay the night"she said

"thank you your a life saver"i siad

"its the least i could do for all you did for us"she said

"it shouldn't have been like that the witches scared of the vampires the vampires should have been scared of y'all"i said

"ok see you soon"she said

"ok"i said and hung up

"she's on her way"i said then i got a text from damon

to elena from damon-meet set for two hours

to damon from elena- will be there

then i put my phone away

"you know you can't hide her foreve"bonnie said

"i know but then she's gonna go through so much and i don't want that for her i know it was mean to just up and leave  without saying goodbye but i wanted to protect her and by not telling him i'm protecting hum" said

"is that what your gonna say to him when he finds out"she asked

"i don't know what i'll say to him i'm not telling him part of the reason was because i was protecting him"i said

"drink a blood bag before we go the last thing you need is the blood lust"she said

"ok"i said and vamped downstairs to our blood fridge i grabbed one downed it and grabbed another one to put in her bottle then i went back upstairs we all sat on the couch and i put maya to sleep and put her in her crib then i put on a movie and a hour and a half later

there was a knock on the door i went to get it she was here"davina so glad you could come help"i said

"of course"she said

"come in"i said and she walked through

"a spell so no one else could come in unless you invite them smart"she said

"thanks"me and bonnie said then chuckled

"did you run into him"davina asked

"luckily no but i told damon i didn't want the originals to know i was back"i said

"ok"she said

"so is new orleans still witches rulling right"i said

"yes and marcel is finally accepting that the vamps can't rule"she replied

"good"i said

"we got to go there gonna be waiting with questions on questions on questions"bonnie said

"ok lets go see you later "i said she waved to us then we headed to the salvatore boarding house

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