chapter 10

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"Where have you been"she asked

"Come on lets go to the compound so i don't have to say this four times"i said

"Ok"she said we walked the short distance to the compound and marcel was sitting at the table

"Elena what happened"he asked

"Ok i minds well tell you i've been unconcocious for the past three days"i said

"What"they both said

"Yeah i passed out a lttle bit after getting home when katherine tried to take her"i said

"Why"davina asked

"Honestly she's gonna be the closest to ever get maya because she looks like me she's right there are gonna be tons of people after her she's the most powerful being on earth right now it was to much as i passed out and it didn't help that i'm not feeding right"i said

"Then feed right"davina said

"Like he told you yesterday there gonna have to go through this whole city before they get to her"marcel said

"Eavesdrop much"i asked

"What you talking about"davina siad

"Nothing"i said

"Who is he and whats going on"davina said then i explained everything that happened since i woke up

"You two need to get back together"davina said

"Maybe"i said

"Your so difficult"she said

"I know but now i have to worry about amaya"i said

"She won't care if her parents are together cause you wouldn't be together because of her you'd be together cause y'all want to"she said

"Davina you know i hate it when your right"i said

"Yeah"she said

"What am i supposed to do tell him we need to talk"i asked

"I don't care what you do me and bonnie know you miss being together and apparently his family agrees"she said

"How does this always end up about me"i asked

"I'm nosey"she said

"We know"marcel said

"Has anything changed"i asked

"No everythings going fine"he said

"Witches are practicing the witches that aren't supposed to aren't practicing no one is missing the locals are still on vervain and katherine is still locked up"she said

"That sounds about right"he said

"Ok good"i said

"So back to you talk to him"i said

"How"i asked

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