chapter 5

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elena pov

we went to the boarding house and they were there"ok you ready to tell us the truth"damon asked

"i get to tell it no inturputions and what i say stays in this room"i said they all nodded i started from the begining and told them everything starting at 2 years 7 months ending at davina came to watch maya

"wait so you have a daughter"care asked

"yes"i said

"who were you protecting"damon asked

"me my daughter and kol if he dies so does she and if she died i get put in a coma or if she dies we both get put in coma's"i said

"so she's half vampire half human"matt asked

"yes"i said

"ok how did you get pregnant"tyler asked

"isobel payed someone to do a spell on me"i said

"as much as we want to contiue asking quesions we know you have some"care said they told me about the different things that happened while i was gone we spent two hours talking then there was a knock at the door stefan got up to get it

"elena"he called i got up and went to the door and seen the four people i wanted to see least  the originals

"how did you know i was here"i asked

"i called your brother"rebekah said

"i know davina already called me and marcel did too you wanna know who the hybrid is and you wanna know why i left but she wants to know everything"i said

"can we talk"kol said

"yeah but i'm not talking to all of you"i said

"its fine"kol said then walked into the house

"its better if we walk"i siad

"why'd you leave"he asked

"i found out something and i had to figure it out for my self first"i said

"what'd you find out"he asked

"i'll show you follow me"i said and vamped toward my house with him following close behind me i  sat on the porch and he sat next to me"i left because i started to get sick i was throwing up everyday for the last two weeks  i was pregnant so me and bonnie left to new orleans because there were witches there that could help me their i met davina my witch friend i found out a few things 1 isobel payed a witch to cast a spell on my 2 the reason i didn't return you die she dies she dies both of us get put into coma's if anyone besides the family finds out an original has a kid and that she can die by just getting her heart ripped out and it'll put you in a coma you'd be in danger and i couldn't"i said

"can i meet her"he asked

"this way"i said and i opened the door"come in"i said and he walked in and jer was sitting on the couch watching maya who was playing with her"i'm back"i said

"so was sending them there a good idea or a bad idea"he said

"what point of this week i'd tell him didn't you hear"i said

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