chapter 15 flashback

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4 months before she left

i was in the lake house there still mad cause they can't get in and i won't invite them kol said he had to something with his sibblings today i was watching a  movie cause i was board then there was a knock at the door i went and opened it and it was bonnie i want to tell her cause i know if anyone understands whats going on it'll be her but i'm scared of how she will feel

"hey bonnie"i said

"don't hey bonnie me your avoding us why"she asked

"i'm not-"i said but she cut me off

"whats that smell why does it reak of blood and vampire in here"she asked

"i don't have any clue what your talking about"i said i went in and sat on the couch

"your tensing whats wrong"she asked

"i am not tensing"i said

"your lying you've been happier than normal whats going on you know i support you through everything"she said

"i know you would but you wouldn't approve"i said

"you have a new boyfriend don't you"she said and i smiled

"you know me better than anyone else"i siad

"you said i won't approve who is it"she asked

"if i told anyone it would be you i trust you with everything its just no one would approve and i could care less"i said

"we know your taste and guys but latley you've been happier then you have ever been"she said

"i am happy"i said

"you said not gonna approve so your with an original"she asked trying to get eye contact but i was refusing"your with an original"

"i-i yeah"i said

"who is it"she asked

"before i tell you that i need you to know three things"i asked and she nodded"1 i'm more in love then i have ever been2 he's not using me and 3 he was there for me when no one else was"i added

"who is it"she asked

"before i answer that i'm gonna tell you a few things that happened in the last three months" i said and she nodded"3 months ago i went to bar i didn't plan to drink that much but after damon said he wanted to kill all the originals and wanted to use me todo it i went to the bar and got wasted  i couldn't drive dudes were offering to take me home but all the really wanted to do was take advantage of me he walked in and see me he put me in the passanger side of my car then went back in and compelled everyone to forget i was there he was gonna take me home but i said i didn't want to go home because of stefan and damon so he brung me here he he put me in my room and stayed to help me the next morning he helped me get rid of my hangover we talked and he told me some stuff like how his siblings treat him like an out cast"i said

"what else"she said

"2 months ago he took me too new orleans where i could be free and not worry about anything he took me to new york to so i could destress from my life from them trying to control it from caroline from all of it"i said

"so my guess is he comes here and thats why you resigned the lease so that you wouldn't get caught somewhere where you could be and not worry"she said

"yeah"i said

"i know its not klaus because he is in love with caroline elijah is in love with tatia and katherine and isn't crazy enough to fall for another doppelganger so your with kol am i right"she askeda

"yes you are"i said

"what about everything he has done"she asked

"come on the sacrafice he was doing what his brother was making him and damon killed my brother stefan tried to kill me damon killed lexi because he didn't want to remember the past we've all done bad things even i have caroline killed an innocent we all do bad things but quess what he is actually a sweet person once you get to know him"i said

"elena i don't want to see you hurt"she said

"he won't hurt me bonnie i know he won't"i said

"i hope your right elena but i'll be here for you"she said and me and her hugged

end of flashback

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