chapter 20

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elena pov

"its not just one vampire killing the people here its two"i said

"two"marcel said

"i'm guessing they both they both have there hummanity off or at least stefan does"i said

"what are y'all talking about"katherine asked

"elena got kidnapped by mikael who was in a coffin in a crypt because he knows how to get the one weapon that can kill an original"kol said

"he was coming for me trying to kill hope"haley said and i smiled aww that such a cute name

"even if hope is a tribid you kill haley you kill her"i said

"wait you said two who are the two"marcel asked

"the salvatores"me and katherine said

"don't do that that's creepy"bonnie said

"stefan and damon katherine turned them they think they can control my life they woke him one message i don't die"i said

"they knew he would go after the originals but he didn't plan on elena being newly pregnant making her an easier target to hurt the originals"bonnie said

"he was following me i was with elena he overheard her say she think she was pregnant cause bonnie heard her throw up in my room when she left to go home he snapped her neck and doused her with vervain"haley said

"how much vervain"katherine asked

"davina you wannt tell them"i said

"if they didn't get her back when they did her baby would have been dead she had over a gallon of vervain in her system she was so weak even if she managed to escape she wouldn't have made it a mile"davina said

"oh those salvatores are dead"caroline said

"there here they probably know are schedules heck there probably listening to us now they'll go after all of you the only person is me so when i say becareful i mean witches davina bonnie are not allowed by themselves with out a vampire with them or jeremy or alaric i'm not kidding"i said

"elena will be fine"bonnie said

"bonnie do you remember stefan without hummanity"i asked

"yeah he killed everyone and only came back - oh shit your right"bonnie said

"wait what"haley asked

"klaus stefan without hummanity"i asked

"he was a full blown ripper he only came back cause he almost killed you"klaus said

"your faster and stronger than him but your get weaker fast"rebekah said

"anyone gonna try and argue with me"i asked

"mama"maya said

"awe"we all said i went and got her from bonnie

"hi maya"i said"its alright i'm not going anywhere" she smiled

"marcel i need 3 of your oldest vampires here now"i said he pulled out his phone and texted someone a few minutes later 3 vampires vamped in

"1 stays with bonnie"i said"the other stays with jer""the last stays with alaric and marcel you can stay with davina i figured you'd wanna be the one to watch her"

"we all know me and bonnie can handle our selves"davina said

"davina don't argue with me trust me i know you two can handle yourselves but i also know that there killing innocents there trying to get to me"i said

"and anyone who knows elena knows she'll sacrafice her self for everyone"bonnie said

"fine but if i see either one of them i'll knock em out and then call you so you and haley can tourture them"davina said

"ok we got a plan thats great but again there coming for you and your worried about everyone else"bonnie said

"there not gonna get me for 2 reasons i know this town better than they do and cause katherine's gonna help me"i said

"wait why do i help "katherine asked

"or i could kill you right now"i said

"ok i'll help"she said

"we dress the same we act the same you do me better than i do me so your gonna help"i said

"are you crazy"cami said

"yeah but they'll hurt y'all no problem they'll come for me but they won't hurt me so two of me would really help"i said

"your insane"bonnie said

"the worst they'll do to me is snap my neck so we got a plan"i said

"were on house arrest ugh"davina said yeah there dead

"most it will be is a couple of weeks"i said

"we run the city of new orleans i need to talk to my witches tell them to watch there back there's a lot to do"davina said

"bonnie go talk to the mayor let her know whats going on protection spells up"i said she nodded and her and her guard left"davina protection spell  up for here"

"got it"she said she started chanting then she stopped"done"

"marcel take her to talk to her witches then you go talk to the vampires"i said they nodded and both left out"elijah klaus one of you take haley the other takes cami i don't cares who's gets who"i

"what about you"cami asked

"cause rebekah or kol is gonna let them get close to me"i said

"she's got a point"bekah said

"so what do you want me to do exactly"katherine asked

"act like your me make them think your me so they can catch them and me and haley can tourture them"i said

"do they know your pregnant"she asked

"nope"i said

"ok"she said

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