chapter 13(flashback)

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since they got back together in the last chapter i decided the next few chapters are going to be flash backs because when i go back to the presents there's gonna be a time skip to when haley is 5 months i'm gonna put a little summary about whats going on in the present

7 months before she left elena pov

the stefan and damon are driving me crazy trying to control me and jer's in denver alaric is depressed because of jenna dying and caroline is driving me insane because she said she doesn't like klaus but the way she acts tells a different story

"are you even listening"damon asked and i snapped out of my thought

"you wanna kill the originals be my guest but leave me out of it i have lost enough people already and i''m not loosing anyome else"i said walked out my house slamming the door and going to my car i drove to a bar on the edge of mystic falls i planned on not drinking so much so i was sober enough to call someone to come get me i went up to the bar and sat on one of the stools the bartender walked up to where i was sitting

"aren't you a little young to be at a bar"he said

"no i'm 21 but i left my ID at home having a bit of a rough day"i said

"and i don't believe you"he said

"well i could always call and complain about how i got refused service i am 21 and i have a high tolerence and my life sucks so would you please get me adrink"i said he signed and got me two shot glassed he filled them and i took both of the shots the night went on and i was starting to get really drunk then more drinks later i was finally wasted

"here let me take you to my place"a guy said guys kept hitting on me and trying to take me with them

"you should call someone to come get you"the bartender said

"all my friends are too overprotective"i said

"i can take her home"a dude said smirking

" no i got her"someone else said

"elena what are you doing here"kol said walking up to me

"who are you"the stranger said

"i'm fine"i slurred

"your not fine your drunk"kol said

"you come here to kill me"i asked

"lets get you home"kol said helping me up

"uhh buzzkill"i said he took me to my car and put me in the passenger seat then went back in the bar he came back out five minutes later

"i'm taking you home"he said

"no"i said

"why not"he said

"damon and stefan are there"i said  and then i fell asleep i was woke up again by someone shaking me i looked up and seen kol

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