chapter 21

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Elena was sitting in her room with maya when rebekah walked in it had been a month since elena had been kidnapped

"you ok" rebekah asked

"yeah i'm fine" elena said she rubbed her pregnant stomach she looked to be 3 months

"i know this pregnancy is gonna speed up so instead of being pregnant for nine months i get five" elena said she wasn't mad that just meant she was getting less time to prepare"thats what davina said since i'm a vampire instead of nine months pregnant i'll go to five but look nine"

"well that is gonna be fun" rebekah said

"yeah it is" elena said

"well you two get some sleep i'm gonna go help my brothers" rebekah said

"ok goodnight" elena said she layed down and put her arm around maya rebekah turned off the light and left out to go find her brothers

katherine was sitting in the compound with marcel and davina

"so i just get to act like elena and hope they don't decide i'm not worth saving" katherine said

"yes" davina said she didn't care what katherine wanted to do elena was her older sister and she was not going to let anyone hurt her

"ok" katherine said she got up and left and went to walk around she kenw that no one really cared whether or not she lived or died it was all about elena and she didn't mind elena had a daughter and was pregnant again she didn't want to take that from her and she wouldn't she would do whatever she could to help

"elena" katherine turned around and seen stefan and damon

"yes" katherine said she was nervous she knew that sometimes they could tell the difference between elena and her

"your not elena did she really think that she could trick us" damon said he knew there was one way they were gonna tell the difference between elena and katherine

"i am elena what are you talking about" katherine said she could not afford to be caught by them

"pull up your sleeve" stefan said katherine reluctantly pulled up her sleeve and showed her shoulder "katherine"

"elena has a tattoo with maya and kol's name she got it last year i seen it once" damon said

"leave me alone they'll kill you if you touch her" katherine said starting to back up from the two vampires

"she doesn't belong to him she belongs to us" stefan said

"will see about that" the salvatores turned around and seen rebekah klaus and kol

"you were following me" katherine groaned

"of course we were following you you think were stupid" rebekah said

"touch us we promise elena will be dead you left her alone didn't you you think were slow i wonder what your mother is gonna do to her and maya"  stefan said

"kol go help elena we got them" klaus said kol vamped to the house when he got in he seen elena and maya sound asleep then he closed the door and heard someone clear there throat he turned around and seen his mom standing against the wall

"she's fine i'm not gonna hurt a pregnant girl i'm not your father i don't hate you two either" esther said kol didn't trust her he didn't believe that she wasn't gonna try to hurt elena"i'm proud of you you used to be a bad person you used to hate everyone hate your family you've grown you've fell in love found someone who won't hurt you you even have a family now kol i know i hurt you the most you were the one that wanted a family you lost that and your magic and i'm glad you have it back but i have to warn you what the two salvatores are planning"

"what are they planning" kol asked

"they do know that elena is pregnant i suggest you have davina and bonnie make the spells on this house stronger they want to kill maya they want to kill elena and the baby they want you to suffer they have a white oak stake and they got someone that is supposed to come here and stab her and maya freya is back awake i suggest you give her a call she can be of great help and never leave them two alone until you know that the person is dead" esther said

"who is this person" kol asked

"one of elena's old friends he is mad that elena left that she took caroline with her tyler lockwood you know him he had the stakes watch her son he will be here within the week  keep them safe when i pass on again i have a gift for you two i'm happy that you found your light goodbye son" esther said and she snapped her fingers and disapeared

"whats going on" elena asked walking out the room carrying maya

"don't worry about it" kol said"rebekah and klaus know about your tattoo"

"how" elena asked she hadn't told anyone but kol davina marcel and caroline about it

"on the brightside we found the salvatore brothers" kol said

"ok i'll call haley later" elena said

"how about we go out tonight just us three" kol said

"alright" elena smiled she knew he was up to something she just didn't know what

2 hours later

elena kol and maya were siting on top of the cliff looking at the city

"3 years today its been offically three years since that night in the bar" elena said she couldn't believe how much had actually happened since then

"yes it has" kol said elena looked at him"what"

"what are you planning i know you pretty well" elena said  she knew there was something going on

"i want to ask you something but i don't know how to" kol said

"just ask me" elena said

kol took the ring box out his pocket and held it in his hands"i love you with all my heart you are truly my other half will you marry me " kol said he opened the ring box

"yes" elena nodded this was the last thing that she expected for him"i didn't think you'd be the type to ever want to get married"

"i never want to be with anyone else" kol said

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