chapter 6

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we arrived to new orleans

"ok me bonnie are going to the compound"i said and they nodded i have a car here and a car in mystic falls i got into my car that was in the airport long term parking lot and drove to the compound  when we got there me and bonnie walked there and there were vampire's guraring the place

"identification please"some one said

"the one in charge"i said

"stop kidding lady the one in charge is marcel"he said

"call him down"i said he nodded and someone went to go get marcel

"whats the problem"marcel said coming to the guard

"i can't get through and i'm getting mad"i said

"you might want to let her in i told y'all there's a original in charge and this is her"he said and they let me pass

"unless you wanna die never question me again i had a long 24 hours and now i have to deal with a witch who is mad for no reason"i said

"my favorite hybrid"marcel said taking maya

"she's also had a long 24 hours met lots of new people"i said

"davina will want to see you about this witch"he said

"ok let me take her all the originals came and they know they deal"i said

"alright"he said and we headed to wear the witches were and seen davina talking to a group

"you mind if i cut in"i said walking up to them

"you told them"she asked

"yes i did now who's the witch threatening the wolf girl"i asked

"her name is jane-anne devorox"davina said

"where do i find her"i asked

"in the bar where cami works"she said

"ok me and bonnie will go there"i said she nodded and we headed to the bar when we got there we seen cami at the counters

"elena your back"she said

"can't leave for a week without a witch threating an innoccent what a shame"i said shaking my head

"what happened"she asked

"i'll explain later where do i find a mary anne"i asked

"she's in the back with her sister"she said i walked too the back with maya and bonnie and seen two girls

"you must be jane-anne"i asked

" i am and i thought you left"she said

"i did but i knew i was going to have to come back why did you take the wolf girl the witches and vampires work in harmony"i said

"this girl is like you housing not an abomonation but a gift"she said

"she's pregnant by let me guess klaus"i said

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