chapter 7

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i woke up to maya crying so i went to get her she was with rebekah i seen rebekah looking like she wanted to kill

"yay your up i need help"rebekah said i grabbed maya and she instantly stopped crying

"she's not used to you yet"i said

"i know"she said

"whats going on"kol said coming downstairs

"your daughter hate me see"rebekah said taking maya back and she started crying again

"let me see her"kol said and grabbed maya and she stopped crying

"come on"rebekah said throwing her hands up in the air

"it'll be alright"i said

"how did you wake up you two are upstairs far from my room"rebekah said

"i'm used to waking up in the middle of the night because of her"i said

"bad memories from here remember"kol said

"what do you mean bad memories"i asked

"klaus daggered him here"rebekah said

"oh"i said and i noticed maya falling asleep in kol's arm

"really"she said looking at kol and maya

"you two can watch her tomorrow me and bonnie have a meeting to go to"i said

"sure but what its about"she asked

"the newbie vampire's have to learn the rules"i said

"i thought the vamps weren't allowed to kill"kol said

"there are people that come here because they want to turn so we let them but they have to follow the rules"i said and they nodded

"well you go back to sleep i'll keep her"kol said

"thanks"i said and went back upstairs and went to sleep

kol's pov

"your still in love with her aren't you"bekah asked

"yeah"i  said

"aww"she said

"everything has changed"i said

"she didn't tell you to protect you she came back to tell you"she said

"will just see how things go"i said

"ok how about you go lay your daughter down and tomorrow we can go out and buy her a bedroom set"she said

"ok"i said and i took maya upstairs and layed her down on my pillow and layed next to her and made sure she'd be alright before dozing off

morning elena pov

i woke up got dressed and went to check on haley i knocked on her door"come in"she said and i walked in and seen her sitting on the bed

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