chapter 14(flashback)

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elena pov 6 months before she left

i started to get a crush on kol over the past month we've been hanging out more and he's been helping me stay sane and not get wasted like i was a month ago i resigned the house for the lake house so even if damon or stefando come there they can't get through we've also been traveling so far its just been places not far from mystic falls i was sitting on my bed in the lake house kol was coming back with food  when there was a knock on the door i went to open it and damon and stefan were standing there"what do y'all want"i asked

"where the hell have you been"damon said

"what he ment is you've been dodging us for weeks whats going on"stefan asked

"i know i have now leave"i said they tried to come in but they couldn't

"sorry you haven't been invited in"i said and waved and slammed the door in their faces i went and sat on the couch  half an hour later kol came in and seen i was pissed

"what happened"kol asked

"the salvatores showed up and ruined my day"i said

"how about this weekend we go somewhere farther away from mystic falls"he said

"where"i asked

"i'll let you decide"he said

"how far"i said

"it has to be in the u.s"he said

"ok"i said

"what you thinking"he asked

"new orleans i always wanted to go their"i said

"then we can go there"he said and i smiled got damn it what is he doing to me

3 days later elena pov new orleans

we were sitting at the top of the montains"this view is amazing"i said

"you haven't seen anything new orleans have a good view but the best has to be the one from the hollywood sign'he sad

"you've been to la"i asked completly shocked

"yes i've been everywhere"he said

"lucky you"i said

"not lucky if you have no one to share it with it gets loney"he said

"you have me"i said and he smiled we watched the city there is a lot of vampires here we seen them feeding on tourists its crazy here

"its changed since i've last been here vampires now rule the city terrorizing everyone"he said

"the witches there scared of dying they can't even use there magic thats so wrong"i said

"yeah but sadly i doubt even an original could stop whats happening it would take multiple people working together as one"he said it made me so sad no one deserves this

"at least there staying away from us"i said

"i can't stop the city from being like this but no one is stupid enough to mess with an original"he said and i smiled

"what do we do now"i asked

"how about this"he said he leaned in and kissed me i deepened the kiss and after a minute we pulled apart i layed my head on his shoulder

"could we do this could there be an us"i asked

"we'd most likely have to keep it a secret but its possible do you want to"he said i smiled

"i do"i said

end of flashback

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