chapter 19

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elena pov

when i woke up i was ast home and bonnie was sitting next to me and maya was laying by me"elena yay your awake"she said and handed me a blood bag i drunk it and she handed me another one after that she pulled out her phone"what happened"she asked

"i don't remember much i was heading home my neck got snapped i woke up mikael was there he said someone woke him then i went unconcious i was vervained"i said i was getting pieces of what happened but everything wasn't there

"i had made kol leave told him to do something to distract him or i was gonna vervain him you've been hour for 2 days there was a lot of vervain in your system i guess he found out you were an original and before you ask your baby's ok davina did a healing spell as soon as we got you"she said

i tired to sit up but i couldn't"your still week you need to rest"bonnie said

"no i need to go kill two certain vampires who need their ass handed to them its there fault i'm so week"i said

"how"haley said coming in

"the salvatores"bonnie said and i nodded

"they woke him they sent him after the originals one rule nothing happens to me"i said

"which doesn't include your baby"haley said

"bonnie don't lie to me how close was it to my baby dying"i said sitting up and laying maya on my legs

"elena i think its best if you didn't know"bonnie said

"tell me"i said getting aggitated

"if she didn't do the spell when she did it would have died"bonnie said

"i'm going to kill them"i yelled

"you can't go killing anyone"davina said walking in

"fine then in  a year i am going to kill them better"i asked

"your not going to get the chance if kol finds out"bekah said walking in

"who did you text"i asked

"the group chat i made after i  made kol turn his phone off"bonnie said

"my brother doesn't know how to distract himself so i'm guessing you know where he went"bekah said

"yeah i think i do"i said rubbing maya's head i know exactly where he went"what happened after i left the meeting"i asked

"well  were all sure stefan is the one doing the killings"haley said

"i think that both salvatores are here but damon is just hiding"bonnie said

"we also think there coming out at night only so they don't see any originals during the day"davina said

"were to close to the city everyone and i mean everyone marcel and katherine included go to the mikaelson mannor i'll meet y;all there"i said

"where are you going"davina asked

"bonnie made kol turn off his phone i'm not telling you where he is"i said standing and stretching

"fine drink another blood bag before you leave"bonnie said

"i have a question the first time you were pregnant if the baby was half vampire how'd you do it"rebekah asked

"i did what klaus does to haley sneak blood into her food and drinks"davina said

"eww"me and haley said

"yeah you two need blood in your system vampire baby"she said

"thats why you were always cooking because you didn'r want me to know"i said

"yeah and why all your drinks were dark drinks so you didn't notice the blood"she said

"haley you'll be a hybrid soon enough i doubt there gonna let you die"bekah said

"i'll take maya and we can take her and you two can meet us there"bonnie said

"i'll go with davina we can compel katherine to listen to us"bekah said

"well at least we have a plan"i said we all split up i grabbed another blood bag when i was finished i vamped up to the mountain he was sitting on the cliff i sat next to him"i heard they made you turn off your phone"

"i was worried"he said

"i'm fine were fine"i said he turned me and smiled"and i already had like four blood bags so i'm not fainting again"

"thats good to know"he siad

"i'm not going anywhere and aparently i'm not allowed to kill them davina's rules so you want to"i said

"wait what"he said

"oh yeah they didn't tell you stefan and damon were the ones that woke up mikael since i'm pregnant i'm not allowed to do anything and trust me i wanted to tourture them"i said he looked pissed

"i'll have nik help me capture them vervain rope them and then you and haley can help us tourture them"he said

"really"i said

"yeah"he said

"yes"i saud

"where is everyone"he asked

"oh yeah we gotta go to the mannor i making everyone go there"i said i totally forgot but great me and haley get to tourture them this is gonna be awesome

we both stood up and vamped to the mannor when we got there everyone was there"your smiling what happened"bonnie asked

"nik want to help me capture the salvatores"kol asked

"of course"he said

"wait you said capture them"davina siad

"haley do you want to help me tourture to salvatores"i said

"hell yeah he was coming after me and got you i'll happily kill or bite them"haley said

"you called a meeting what for"marcel asked

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