chapter 9

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Bonnie pov

"Good"elena said then she started falling kol ran to catch her before she fell

"What is wrong with her"jeremy asked

"She's doing to much at once again"i said

"What do you mean again"alaric asked

"Carry her to her room"i said kol layed her on the bed and sat next to her

"What do you mean again"rebekah said

"We've been here for two years after becoming an original and making it a better place she was doing to much at once going days without blood because she was too busy she does it to her self and then she can black out for days katherine trying to hurt maya made all that stress worse she'll be alright but maya won't she didn't do good last time she's young but she only wanted elena and elena wasn't here it will be better with y'all here but this away from davina elena told her she was getting better at taking care of herself"i said

"How will we do that if elena has a city to run"jer asked

"Elena wants to be alone and spend time with maya and doesn't want to talk to anyone she'll call you in a couple days"i i said

How long will she be out"alaric asked

"It depends on her stress level telling everyone why she left stressful moving there and back stressful saving haley ruling new orleans stressful whens the last time anyone seen her drink a blood bag"i asked

"I didn't"kol said

"My point the last time was two days ago in mystic falls"i said

Three days later

"Maybe she'll wake up tomorrow i hope lets just get some sleep"i said and they all nodded

Elena pov

I woke up in the middle of the night i vamped downstairs and got a blood bag and downed it then i walked quietly to maya's room i watched her sleep for a while there gonna be so mad i have to do better i slowly went downstairs and went to walk around

"Davina wants to see you"a vampire walking up to me said

"No are you alright how you been why were you gone three days"i asked

"Sorry but she's worried"he said

"I know but can i walk around my city for a while i'll go see her when she wakes up"i said he nodded and left i walked around and seen the night walkers walking around i watch the vampires do snatch eat erase i went home and sat in the kitchen

"I was wondering where you went"haley said and i jumped

"I thought everyone was sleep"i said

"I heard you leave"she said

"What happened i was gone for three days"i asked

"Well we can start with rebekah wants to slap you bonnie wants to yell at you and kol is worried sick"she said

"Thay bad"i asked

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