chapter 16(flashback)

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1 week before she left

elena pov

me and bonnie were at my lake house in the living room sitting on the couch

"where's kol"bonnie asked

"with klaus and them there starting to become very nosey"i said

"so how are you and kol"bonnie asked

"good"i said

"how about with the others who don't know"she asked

"lets see he's helping me not murder three vampires"i said

"salvatores and caroline"she asked

"yeah that's why i love when i'm gone for two three days"i said

"how many places have y'all gone to"she asked

"first place was new orleans we went to at least 15 states including new york and california"i saod

"wow"she said then i had to throw up i ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out

"what's wrong"she asked

"i don't know"i said and sat against the wall

"i'm sure its nothing"she said

"i hope so"i said and i went and washed my face and went back to the couch

"your pale you need to eat something"she said

we walked to the kitchen and everything went black when i woke up i was in a doctor office and bonnie was standing next to me biting her nails

"what happended"i asked

"you passed out so i took you to the doctor out of mystic falls just in case i didn't call anyone when i got here they took you back and did some tests they said your pregnant"she said

"that's not possible"i said sitting up

"something happened cause you are they did the ultra sound your two weeks"she said

"my boyfriend is a vampire i barley talk to anyone human besides matt alaric and jer"i said whispering

"somethings up cause you are lets go back to the lake house i'll do a spell to hide the heartbeat for now"she said i nodded changed and got in her car we drove to the lake house walked in and she did the spell so vampire's couldn't hear it

"are you gonna tell him"she asked

"give me a week then i'll decide"i said

"oh crap we were supposed to meet everyone today are you gonna be able to come"she said/asked we made plans to meet tyler mat the salvatores caroline and alaric at the grill

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