chapter 3

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rebekah pov

i pulled out my phone and called elena she still had the same number but she disabled gps and didn't answer so i'm going call private i called private and let it ring

"hello"she said

"elena"i said

"why did you call me"she asked

"you owe him an explanation"i said

"i don't know what your talking about"she said

"don't play dumb with me my brother told us about y'all being together after i brought you up and seen him change"i said

"i can''t"she siad

"why not"i asked

"because its to hard i can't do it"she said

"you two are gonna run itto each other eventually"i said

"not if i have anything to say about it"she said

"why are you so determined not to talk or see him"i asked

"because i broke his heart but when i left i shattered mine i can't do it again and i can't"she said

"and what your hiding something"i said

"rebekah please just don't try to find me i'm better at running then katherine i have two powerful witches that can make sure i stay hidden"she said

"elena whats going on"i heard someone from her in say that voice sounds familiar

"who was that"i asked

"one of my friends you don't know her"she said

"you know he shut his hummanity off when you left we got it back on but it was hard for him"i said

"i gotta go please don't call me"she said it sounded like she was gonna start crying then i went back to where the guys were

"what happened"nik asked

"she's hiding something something important and she has a new friend i've heard her voice before and i learned a few interesting things"i said

"which were"kol asked

"she better at running then katherine because she has not 1 but 2 witch friends and so were gonna have to take a trip to new orleans the place where the party goes on and their are tons of gullible vamps that would help her not to mention she could get another powerful witch"i said

"then start packing looks like were going back to new orleans"nik said and everyone nodded and went to go pack

elena pov

"what happened"bonnie asked as i was wiping my face

"he turned his hummanity off after i left"i said

"what"bonnie and davina said at the same time

"yes they got him to turn it back on but i just feel so sorry"i said

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