Further Into The Basement

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Characters Alive:


"Well..." Waluigi sighed, looking over Mario's body. "Shit."

Toad covered his face in his hands. He was nothing but disappointed. He did nothing to stop Mario's murder. Churning inside him was second-hand guilt, for doing diddly squat to prevent the death of one of his best friends and hero of the Mushroom Kingdom.

But what could he have done?

He knew he couldn't realistically have done anything. It's not like he knew that Mario was about to die, nor could he see in pitch black. It was hopeless, yet he somehow had a feeling that Mario wasn't surviving this slue of murders from the start. It would've been to much of a risk for the killer to not prioritise his death as one of the first. With the skillset he has, it was impossible for him to have survived this game; no one would let him live long enough to stop them.

"You okay there, buddy?" Bowser asked Toad, patting him on the shoulder.

"All things considered," he replied. "Alright I guess. You know, sometimes I wonder, do you think it'd be better to just not survive at this point? I mean, at best there'll be like 3 survivors, and the amount of trauma they'd experience... I just don't think it'd be worth it."

"I wanna die on my own terms," Bowser said. "What I'd hate though, is to be the final death. To come so far, experience that hell and then be murdered. It's like the disadvantages of surviving without the good parts and you get a gruesome death in the process."

"Toad," Rosalina butted in. "Since you're the group's new leader after Mario's... unfortunate circumstances, what should we do now?"

Toad scanned the area around him and noticed a closed door. They had been keeping the doors of every room they've checked open so that they can retrace their steps if needed.

"We haven't really got much choice but to continue on further," he announced, regaining his composure. "It's what Mario would want. But if anyone else dies, we immediately head to the rendezvous point. There, we'll just have to wait for the others."

"Sounds like a plan," Waluigi said in support, joining the conversation. "There's on door that we haven't yet opened, I believe it's their home gym." He then opened the door and walked in.

"Yeah, and it's a good one too," Toad confirmed. "I used to workout with the Mario Brothers here, they've spent plenty a coin on the equipment in there."

Bowser looked at Toad disapprovingly. "A home gym's a bit extreme, surely. Wouldn't you just go to a public gym like everyone else?" 

"I don't see the problem in having a home gym..." Rosalina said, following on from Waluigi's lead.

"You go first," Toad nodded to Bowser, gesturing to follow the other two. "I gotta go grab something."

"Okay..." he nodded back.

As Bowser followed Rosalina, Toad grabbed Mario's hat. He put in his pocket and sighed.

"Luigi'll want this..." he breathed. "I gotta catch up to the others."

Toad met up with the others again in the home gym. They carefully inspected every little object of the room, looking for things that could be used as murder weapons.

"Well let's see," Waluigi mused. "Many pieces of gym equipment in this room can be used as murder weapons. Things like dumb-bells, smashed mirror glass, you could use the- WAH!!"

He had stepped on a creaky floorboard, triggering spikes to rapidly rise from below; impaling Waluigi and cursing him to a slow death.

"God... da-dammit..." he cried. "S-so close to surv-viving..."

"We gotta get the fuck outta here!" Toad shrieked. "Get up the stairs now!"

The remainder of the group ran up to the living room of the house as soon as they could, locking the door to the basement... or so they thought....

Another one bites the dust! This is gonna be a long ride for the survivors...

Characters alive:


Characters dead:


Who is responsible? Will anyone survive? Will the answers be satisfying? Find out soon!

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