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Characters Alive:


Luigi's eyes darted around his living room, focusing on his fellow survivors. He didn't feel that any of them would kill the others, but he could only 100% trust Yoshi. After all, those two have been in this hellhole together since before the party even started. Which means, as much as the green clad plumber didn't want to believe it, he couldn't even completely trust his other best friend, Toad.

The other thing he had to take into account now, in regards to his chances of survival, was his sprained ankle. He was the only one with an injury, and due to it being a leg injury his mobility is hindered quite a bit. Based on pure skill in terms of being able to defend himself if the killer were to attack, Luigi had the statistically lowest survival chance. However, he gained a leg up on everyone else by being the only person left alive with no real enemies. The only person that could be considered an enemy of Luigi's was Bowser, and even then the two had grown to respect one another deeply over the course of this nightmare. Even though he was the only one with an injury, no one would want to kill him. Luigi was convinced that the killer had other plans for him. But what could those plans be?

Yoshi was also questioning who he could trust. Overall, he probably had the best chance of surviving the night. He had no injuries and only 1 alive enemy, Bowser. Although he'd warmed up to the koopa king over the course of the night, he still harboured a little grudge against him from what he did to his native island during the events of Super Mario World.

In terms of who he could trust, he was in a similar boat to Luigi. All they knew is that they could trust each other. They could hope that Toad was innocent with somewhat certainty, but he was in the basement group when everyone was split in two groups. The basement group as a whole hadn't talked much about what happened down there. All Yoshi and Luigi knew was that Waluigi and Mario died. The British dinosaur looked over at Luigi, who was clutching his brother's hat, which Toad retrieved for him. He sighed in pity for his friend, he didn't deserve to lose his closest family like this.

Toad felt pretty confident in who he could trust. He felt pretty certain he could trust Luigi and Yoshi. After all, they've been together the whole night; so if one was the killer, surely the other would be dead right? It only made logical sense. Therefore, he felt that Luigi and Yoshi were definitely trustworthy. But Toad knew it was impossible to 100% rule anyone out unless there's solid evidence for them being innocent, and none that could serve to prove them the killer. He also knew that if he could rule one of two out he could rule out the other, due to them being side by side this entire time.

Bowser was probably the least inclined to trust anyone above about 60%. He felt that him being able to last as long as he had was a miracle. Technically, all but 2 of the people that have been killed have been villains at some point: Koopa, Birdo, Mario, Waluigi and Wario. Therefore meaning that Bowser had a massive target painted on his back. It was also very unlikely that he was killer, otherwise the opposite effect would've occurred. Bowser didn't think either Toad or Rosalina were the killer, mainly because he couldn't think of any plausible motives they might've had. He thought it had to be either Luigi or Yoshi, and that they were keeping the other alive to gain the trust of everyone else.

Rosalina was also a bit sceptical of everyone else. Being a murder mystery buff, she knew pretty much every ace in the hole and little sign that gives away the killer's identity. However, she was struggling to see any of her peers giving off these traits. Everyone was just a little shaken, in their own little worlds. Luigi was caressing Mario's bloodstained hat whilst wincing from his ankle injury, Yoshi was looking at Luigi with concern and pity in his eyes that seemed to say 'poor kid', Toad was sitting with Bowser and the two were just discussing what happened down in the basement and she was just watching over them all, as if taking on a bit of a motherly role in the group. She decided to go over to Luigi and try to help with his ankle.

"Hey Luigi," Rosalina weakly smiled as she approached the plumber. "How are you holding up?"

"If I'm honest," he sighed, gazing at the M on his older brother's hat. "Not great."

Rosalina wasn't exactly surprised to hear this. It came as no surprise to her that her birthday boy friend was in the most emotionally taxing situation of the group. No one had quite lost anyone as close to someone as a twin brother except the Italian. 

"Yeah," she said in a sympathetic tone.  "I can't imagine how hard it is to lose a sibling in a situation as horrible as this. I don't imagine spraining your ankle helps with it either."

Luigi looked at Rosalina with sheer humiliation in his face, as if he felt spraining his ankle was his fault. 

"I'm a joke," he laughed bitterly. "I let my brother die on our birthday, I let Peach go missing and die whilst leading a small group and I somehow manage to sprain my ankle falling down a flight of stairs. I'm probably gonna die next anyway, the killer should just kill me now and save the wait."

A sharp twang of pity hit Rosalina. She finally understood why Yoshi was looking over Luigi; he was pitying the plumber, and understandably so.

"Don't say that," Rosalina protested. "We'll do whatever we can to make sure you survive this."

"Yeah," Bowser nodded, joining the conversation. "We've all done well to get this far, and to survive now will take teamwork. We're not just gonna sit here and let you die."

Then, a machete came hurtling into the room, so fast that its target didn't see it coming until it pinned them right above the fireplace by the stomach.

Oooooooh! Don't you just LOVE a good cliffhanger? I know I do. Anyway, you don't get a tally this time because I don't feel generous today... Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

No seriously, no tally this time. Who do you think is above the fireplace, slowly dying a death? Tell me in the comments please.

Who will survive? Who is the killer? You'll have to read on to find out!

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