Part 2 chapter 9: Aftermath

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Kiana found herself lying on a bed in the infirmary with Himeko and Fu Hua next to her. "Ahh, wha-What happened?" Kiana said. Fu hua responded with "You threw me and the captain into  a portal of sorts. Then you jumped through. Your eyes they were orange, why?" Kiana looked down "I watched them do it. They Killed her" Fu Hua looked confused "Who, Kiana?" Kiana nearly cried "Sirin, the second herrscher. After that they put the core in me. I am now the second." Kiana then looked around and saw rita and tesla by dundral "Where is the captain?" She said Fu Hua smiled "He is fine." She said "After he came through the portal the medics took him and I told them he had a bullet in his leg. They took it out and patched his leg up. Last we saw of him was on the bridge about 10 minutes ago giving a report." Kiana then got up to leave. Leaving the others to take care of dundral.

Kiana entered the bridge to see the captain sitting down writing down his report. She walked up to him and put her hands on his shoulders. "Thanks for coming after me, I appreciate it." she whispered in his ear. The captain jerked and turned around to see Kiana. "Oh a-ah yeah, you're welcome Kiana." She smiled.

Kiana and the captain were in each their cabin when Kiana said "I think I'm ready to become a valkyrie again." The captain nodded to Kiana and said "I think you are too, and I fully support you." Kiana then looked down "This means moving back to soukai city doesn't it?" The captain was shocked at how correct she was "Yeah, I know. What should we do about our house." Kiana smiled "I don't know yet. Maybe it could be a schicksal outpost o-or a Holiday home. We should think about it." Kiana laid down on the bed and the captain did the same. "Good night Kiana." Said the captain as he drifted of "Goodnight to you too, captain."

Rita was talking to tesla about if they should tell the others about their relationship. "Rita, I think we should tell the others." Said tesla. Rita was shocked at this and said "Are you sure, If you think it is ok to then it is fine by me." Tesla blushed and held Rita's hand "I know I am a grouch most most the time, but that's because of my past."

Kiana woke up, she could hear two voices in her head. It sounded like arguing. "Is that Sirin and the third doing that, or am I going crazy?" Then Kiana found herself in her own head next to Sirin and the third. "Stop third, I don't want you corrupting this Girl!" Sirin yelled The third just scoffed "What happened to you, you were once strong you killed a lot of people. Now look at you weak and pathetic" Sirin shed tears "S-stop I-It's not true." Sirin stutters causing Kiana to comfort her. "Sirin, you are not weak, you saved me from that bad place." Sirin wiped her tears "T-Thank you Kiana." The third then said "Why are you thanking her! She could have prevented your death!" Sirin now with more confidence said "She could of. But, I think It was a blessing in disguise." The third was defeated and said "I never wanted to be in this body you know." She kneeled down. "I just want to be with Mei again. When I woke up in this body I found out she was dead. I knew she wasn't so I stayed in the body until she was found, but I got used to it and now." The third stood back up " I am going to eject myself from this body." Kiana was shocked "Are you sure?" The third just smiled "It's about time I went back to Mei. Yes I'm sure." Kiana woke up sweating next to the captain holding the third herrscher gem.

The next morning the captain woke up and found that Kiana was not in the bed. He got up, put on his uniform and went to find Kiana. He walked around until he found her sitting on a chair in the bridge looking out the front window into the bright blue sky seeing the clouds pass by holding up a crystal of sorts. "Kiana?" She didn't react. he went to sit next to her "Is everything alright?" she kept looking outside and said "I am now free from the third." She gave out a small chuckle "I have also been thinking about everything that has happened. I-" Himeko entered and said "sorry to interupt your little talk but we are coming up on HQ now." kiana smiled and said "Ok." She then turned to the captain "I want to keep training and to give damien and you a good life." The captain grabbed Kiana's shoulders "Then we can make it happen. Not alone but together."

Theresa voice was heard over the radio "prepare to dock. I be seeing you shortly." Kiana, the captain, Himeko, Rita and the scientists walked over to the overseers office while Fu Hua was carrying Dundral to the HQ Infirmary. Entering the office Kiana was bombarded with hugs from Mei, Cecilia and Theresa "Oh thank god you're ok Kiana." Said mei "We were afraid of what would happen to you" Said Theresa. "They were able to save you, how nice of them" said cecilia. After All of them backed away from the hugs Kiana turned to Mei. "Mei I this this is yours." She held out her hand to reveal the crystal. Mei in shock said "Is that-" Kiana interrupted her "Yes now take it." When Mei took the gem Kiana turned to Cecilia "I'm sorry." Cecilia was confused "About what Kiana?" Kiana sighed "They Killed sirin." Cecilia held her hands over her mouth. "Now she is with me and now I am a herrscher." Cecilia looked down "I was assigned to protect her." Then a figure appeared "You still can but now your job is done." the figure said.

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