Part Three: Chapter Four: Newcomers

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"Kiana. Are you there?"Said the captain through the radio. Kiana was still crying "Kiana, come in." The captain said again a bit worried. The captain then radioed bronya "Bronya, could you go find Kiana, she isn't responding." Bronya replied with "Yes sir. The Bronya will go look for her."

Bronya went down to where Kiana fought the girl only to see a body. "Kiana won. But where did she go?" As Bronya went deeper she started to hear crying. "Subject, Kiana?" She said as she floated down the depths coming to a large open area With Kiana kneeling down at the end of it. "Subject Kiana?" Bronya said "Is everything alright?" Kiana turned to bronya with tears in her eyes and said "No, I'll explain back on the hyperion." 

Meanwhile with otto. Otto sat at the edge of a platform looking out into the deep sea of quantra. He was about to head to his place he made up when he saw two figures fly pass. He looked down and recognized one of them "Was that damien?" He said before rushing off to find Kallen to tell her what he saw.

Back at Kallen's place. "Who are you and how do you Know otto?!" Yelled Kallen to the man in a coat. He sighed and replied with "I'm Welt yang, The first herrscher. I need to speak to otto, I know he is here." Kallen growled "A herrscher huh, Well if you know Otto, I'll let it slide until he confirms who you are." 

A short while later "Kallen, I think I saw- Welt" he said as he approached. Welt sighed "I know you don't like me. But listen, the world serpent is searching for something." Otto was shocked "Of all places he is here. What do you want me to do about it." Otto turned away. "I need you guys to leave. Warn your organization and Mine." Otto sighed "I can't, I saw damien here, I need to help him." Welt was now annoyed "I wasn't asking. I'll be making sure you three get out of here ASAP. I'll take care of the boy and get him out. There is a portal nearby, you should be able to leave." Otto growled "Fine, I'll go, but that boy better be safe. I don't want to be shunned by Kiana. It's her son after all." Welt nodded "Of course. I'll find him. Now go." Otto then ran off with Kallen and Sakura. As they left welt thought "Good luck. I fear something bad will happen." 

Kiana had stopped crying and was ascending to go to the hyperion when she heard a noise come from behind. Both she and bronya turned to see three figures lying down. "Bronya lets go check on them." As Kiana got closer she recognized all of them "Wait, that's kallen kaslana, Yae sakura and Otto apocalypse. I thought they all died." Kiana then radioed The captain "Uh, captain. Prepare some infirmary beds, we have a few people that came out of the sea of quantra." The captain Responded with "I see, I'll get how many ready?" Kiana Replied while carrying Kallen and Sakura "Three if possible." The captain then said "What happened down there?" Kiana went silent "Kiana, is everything ok?" The captain then heard a sigh "I'll tell you once I get on board." Kiana said. 

What was a few minutes felt like an hour to the captain. He was pacing up and down the bridge of the hyperion hoping everything was alright. He then heard the door open and saw bronya come in "Bronya, is Kiana ok?" Bronya then nodded and said "Yes, she requests to see you in the infirmary." The captain nodded and said "Thank you bronya." and went to the infirmary to find Kiana.

In the infirmary Kiana had just laid Otto down on one of the beds and sighed "I thought You have all died, but now you're here. What the hell happened." Kiana then heard footsteps come down the corridor. The door opened and The captain walked in. "Kiana, what's going on?" Kiana didn't say anything and pointed to the beds. The captain immediately recognized the first body "Otto, I thought he died? Who are the other two. More importantly where is Damien?" Kiana with a sad expression said to the captain "All of these people are alive, the pink haired girl is Yae sakura, I met her in the stigmata dimension. The other is Kallen Kaslana, my ancestor." Kiana then started to tear up "Damien, he fell into the sea. It's all my fault." The captain was shocked at what he heard "Kiana, It wasn't your fault." She shut her eyes and said "But it was, I startled him causing him to fall in" The captain sighed and grabbed Kiana's shoulders "Kiana, He was obviously there for a reason, I had a feeling that he would've jumped in either way." Kiana wiped her tears. "Yeah, I just feel like everything is going to hell and I feel responsible for it all." The captain smiled at Kiana "Oh you're just working too hard, let's take a couple days off and think about things." Kiana chuckled and said "Sure, but we should go to HQ and sort things out with those three." She then looked over at Kallen, Sakura, and Otto who were sleeping peacefully. 

Back on the bridge the captain said to the crew "Head towards HQ, I have something I need to do there." One of the crew nodded "Understood sir. Heading there now." The captain then called theresa. it took awhile but She answered "Captain? Why are you calling now, I am quite busy." The captain laughed "I am just coming by to drop off some guests that we found at the sea." Theresa sighed "Ok, I'll see you at the terminal. Who are they anyway." The captain chuckled "Kiana says they are Otto, Kallen and Sakura." Theresa went silent and stuttered "A-are you sure?" The captain had only one response "Kiana Knew the looks of them, and I was certain that I saw otto. So yeah, I am sure. We'll be here soon."

A short while later. The captain walked into the common area to see Kiana asleep on one of the couches. The area was practically empty safe for a few students talking amongst themselves. The captain went up to Kiana and sat on the floor next to her. "I know you are worried about our son, and I know you have faith in him." He sighed. "We'll get him back, one way or another. I'll make sure of it." Kiana then opened her eyes and smiled at the captain. "I know, because he is just like us." The captain chuckled "So you weren't asleep." Kiana sat up and went down to the captains level. "I was, I just woke up when you sat next to me." She said. "I didn't want to disturb you." The two of them laughed about it for a while until Bronya came in. "Subject captain, we're approaching the HQ now." 

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