Chapter 2: Where?

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(Veronica's P.O.V)
"Noo!" i yell seeing the medics take my dead Nana away. A police officer stops me. "Excuse me, who are you?" he asks quiet rude. "I'm Veronica Moore. Eliana Moore's granddaughter." i say his face looks puzzled. "The dead lady in the medic van right there. And this is my house." i basically scream at him. "Okay. Beck, escort these ladies to the captin." he shouts at the officer behind him. "Sure thing." the officer says politely.
The captain takes to the police station and takes Kirsty and my statement about what happened and Liam and Ashlie arrive guessing a officer picked them up. "Sissy!" Liam yells running to me i pick him up and he asks "What's wrong?" i tell him hat Nana isn't with us anymore shes in heaven and is playing bingo which makes him laugh a little. Then a captain asks to speak with all of us in his office. "Well, since none of you are 18 we can't let you live alone. So we will be following your grandmothers requets." she says pausing. "What do you mean?" i ask curious about what she means by "Grandmothers requests". "She had a will and it specifically says 'If anything should happen to me before my three grandchildren Ashlie, Veronica, and Liam Moore are 18. I leave them in the hands of May and Jack O'Connor of Florida state.'" she says looking at us and Liam says "What does that mean?" I look at him and the captain puzzled. "Does that mean we will be living in Florida? With people we have never met?" Ashlie asks. "Yes. An officer will take you home to pack and a car will get you at 10 in the morning tomorrow. Your flight to Florida is at 11. Oh and there is money left for Ashlie and Veronica in a bank account under the name of Nana Moore. It's yours now the house will be sold. And this is all in your grandmothers will." He says.
We are all packed and Liam is sleeping with me in my bed. Its 2 a.m. and i can't fall asleep. I get up and make sure we have everything. Everything in the house we can't take is going to be donated or something I don't know. I check my brothers room and all his clothes are packed. I walk into my sisters room to see if she was awake and she wasn't. I walk downstairs and sit on the floor behind the couch in the family room. I start looking all over the house. I end up going back upstairs and falling to sleep in my bed two hours later.
I wake up to that terrible noise again. I wake Liam up and give him a bath. Once he's dressed and everything I carry him and his suitcase downstairs. We each only take one suitcase considering we only can take clothes and like some stuffed animals. I go back up stairs to get my suitcase and get my sister. It's 9:40 an a car will be here in 20 minutes. "Ash, you ready?" i ask knocking on her door. "Yeah." she says and opens her door carrying a suitcase and purse. We walk downstairs and go outside. I left the keys on the kitchen counter like they told me. Kirsty comes and says good-bye so does Hailey and Nathan. When they all leave it 's 9:50. A car arrives at 9:59 and we go to the airport. We put our suitcases on the spinning thing that takes your luggage and puts it on the plane or wherever.
After two hours or so we land in Florida. "Where do we go now?" Liam asks. "There's May or Mrs. O'Connor?Just call her Mrs. O'Connor for now. Okay, Liam be on your best behavior. We don't know these people." i said looking at Liam and he just nodded. Ashlie looked at me and then we heard a horn honk loudly. And then a skinny but not to skinny lady jumped out. "Hi! You must be Ashlie!" she said hugging Ashlie. "Yeah, hi." Ashlie sad softly. "And you must be Liam!" She said looking at Liam and he just hid behind me. "Sorry, he's shy. I'm Ve-" i was starting to say as she cut me off. "Veronica. Your Veronica. Well hi. Um, i know this is new coming to Florida and everything. But i want you to know i'm sorry about your grandmother she was a really close friend of mine. Um, to make you feel at home do you want to go shopping or if you don't i'll get you a credit card for each of you and pay it. What do you say?" she asks i'm surprised. I mean she's really nice and must be rich considering she wants to get us credit cards. "We can't accept." i say. I'm not going to take money from someone I just met i don't take advantage if people like that. "Please take it. It's the least i can do." She begs. "Mrs. O'Connor thank you. Not for the money but for giving us a place to live and everything." I say. "Please call me May and your welcome." she says. "May do you think I could use that credit card?" Ashlie asks. "You are all getting one i don't care what you say. I will give one to Liam when he gets older. Kay Liam?" she says talking to Liam. Liam doesn't say anything. He hugs my leg which tells me he wants picked up. I pick him up and he hugs me. He whispers in my ear 'I'm scared' i tell hime there is nothing to be scared about. "Let's get going shall we?" May asks. "Yeah." Ashlie says.
We get into the car Liam in the middle Ashlie to his right and me to his left. "Hi, I'm Dylan i'm 18. I'm one of May i guess is what you will call my mom sons." he said.
Apparently May has 12 yes 12 kids. A lot i know.
Oliver 23, James 20, and Ross 19 they all live in college dorms in New York. They're never here i guess.
Dylan 18 he is in a special talent school kinda place. Apparently he can sing really well. Aiden 17, and Mason 17 where both adopted. Aiden's mom died cause of child birth an dad left when he found out his mom was pregnant. Nobody likes talking about Masons adoption apparently it was really bad.
Jacob 15 and Ethan 15 are twins.
Jayden 14 he is like a good drawer i guess.
Alex 12 the youngest boy and he writes really good i guess.
And two little girls. Mia and Lia twins. They're six years old so hopefully hey are nice and Liam and Mia and Lia get along well.
We pull up and i see a mansion. It's GIANT.

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