Chapter 8: Part 1- Birthday

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Sorry this chapter is cut short Wattpad is messing up.
So, tomorrow is my birthday, and today is November 23rd. And i don't think anyone knows yet. I mean i know Ashlie know's my birthday but nobody else does. And i would like to keep it that way because i'm not really the 'center if attention' type. I am currently sitting on the couch in the family room with Mason right next to me of course. All of a sudden the front door swings open violently. Jack walks in with a bluetooth ear phone thingy in his ear. His face is a red with anger. "NO ..... I told you we can't do something like that again! ..... Because i said so i can't take the risk of my wife catching me agi-" he says basically yelling the whole time before turning and noticing we where sitting right there on the couch. He lowers his voice and walks away. "What was that about?" i ask looking at Mason. Right after i said that Mia and Alex walk into the room. He gets up and grabs my hand and pulls me up and we walk up the stairs. We walk into the elevator and he pushes number 3. I look at him and could see he wasn't happy. "Mason, whats goi-" i wasn't able to finish my sentence before he put up his index finger gesturing for me to wait. We walking into his room hands intertwined. He closed the door and sat on his bed, i sat next to him and looked at him straight in his eyes. I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Mason, you know you can tell me." i said softly. "About a year and a half ago my father was working on this big movie," he paused like it was hard to say. I really hope this ins't as bad as i think it's going to be. "My dad hired an assistant because he couldn't handle everything. And he cheated on my mom with her. 7 times." he says i could see his face get redder as he was getting madder. "You don't have to say anything else. I understand." i say quietly. I really don't understand because i don't know my bio dad he left as soon as he knew my mom was with child. As for Ashlie's dad i guess he stayed for a month after she was born then disappeared. And Liam's dad he just left the night my mom and him had sex and never came back. "I haven't forgave him yet. I don't think i ever will. He was just so heartless. I still can't believe he would do that to my mom!" he says calming down a little but not much. "Babe, hey look at me it's oka-" i start to say but don't finish when Liam walks in. What is with people interrupting today? I guess nobody know me and Mason are a 'thing' yet except Mason i told Ashlie and he over heard. "Liam hey buddy!" i said joyfully. Trying not to make Liam sad with my sadness. "Him." he simply says. I know what he means. He means i want him to leave so i can talk to you, he doesn't talk to anyone but me and Ashlie. "He's not leaving Liam." i tell him. He needs to talk to more than just me and Ashlie. I mean i know what happened was tragic for a 6 year old but he need to stop thinking about it. "It's fine. I'll go." Mason says getting up and smiling at Liam while walking out. A couple seconds later i hear the front door close. "Liam i will be right back okay?" i say wanting to go after Mason without hurting Liam's feelings. Liam just nodes his head. I run out of the room and down the stairs. I get my furry boots on and go outside. I look around and see Mason walk into the woods to the side of the estate. "Mason!" i yell trying to get his attention but he is too far away to hear me. I start running his way and when i finally get to him i run up beside him. "Mason!" i say frustrated at him for making me run all the way over here. "Nobody asked you to follow me," he says smiling looking at my face and hearing me pant. "Well," i say stoping at the view i see. It's an beautiful waterfall in front of me. "This is where i come when i'm upset or need to think." he says laughing at my expression on my face. He sits down on a blanket laid the soft ground. There is another one on that blanket that is on the ground. I sit and he covers us both up with it. "Mason, why?" i ask. He looks at me confused. "Why did your dad cheat?" i clarify my question. He looks at the ground like he is stumped on my question. "I have no idea. He just did." he says with a frown. "Well i'm here. And you can always talk to me." i say kissing is cheek for the second time today. "Thanks. Right back at you babe," he say smiling "You always make me smile." he finishes. I smile and reply "Thank you! It's my specialty." i state smiling. Mason leans down and kisses me and we make out for a minute or so. When we stop we just sit on the ground my head on his shoulder and his arm around my waist. We sit there like that for a while. "We should go in." i say smiling at him. Actually it looks like it's going to rain and i don't want to lay in the rain. Even though i love the rain. "Yeah." he says picking up the blanket and folding it and placing it back it the place he found it. "Can i have a piggy back ride?" I ask hopeful he says yes. "I guess, but only since your birthday is tomorrow." he says smiling bending down a bit. I jump on his back and reply. "How did you know?" i ask questioning him. "Well, your sister may have mentioned it once or twice." he states smiling. I sigh rather loudly.
I wake up the next day, a Sunday. "Morning!" I hear as i sit up and see Ashlie walking into my room. "Sup." i say yawning. I wonder why she's in here at 11:30. Which is apparently the shortest i've slept on a weekend. Is it normal i sleep late on weekends? I guess so since i wake up at 6:30 usually on Monday's through Friday's. "What do you wanna do today?" she asks. I'm suspicious. She rarely want's to know what i wanna do. Either she hangs with her boyfriend Robert or goes shopping with Robert. Oh, her and Robert have been dating for almost a month just like me and Mason. They are a cute couple, really they are. "Why?" i ask curious. "Because i can't hang out with my little sister without a reason?" she asks getting irritated. "Okay okay." i say turning my tv on and tuning it to the music channel where i listen to music. "Let's go somewhere fancy come on get dressed!" she says not giving me time to even get up. "Uhg!" i say agitated. "Please!!!" she yells happily. "Fine." i say getting up. I slowly walk to my closet trying to wake up in the way there. Do you ever have that feeling when as soon as you wake up your awake like you feel you didn't even sleep? Well i defiantly didn't feel like that. I got out a white-ish blue dress and white high heels. I put my jean jacket on and put my hair in a neat bun. the one where you make a pony tail, twist, and wrap around. I put some mascara and blush along with eye shadow on. "Ready." i say walking out of the bathroom i walked to slowly about 15 minutes ago. I get my shoulder purse get my phone off ny iHome charger and walk to Ashlie who is standing by the door. "Okay lets go." she says hurrying me along. "Damn slow down i'm gonna break a heel." i say trying to keep up with Ashlie. "Well, don't walk slow then." she says. We get into one of the cars and tell the driver where we needed to go.

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