Chapter 3: Adjusting

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Here i am. At a GAINT mansion. We walk in and everyone is standing in the family room. "This is the family room. These are the kids. Say hi!" May says way too excited for my opinion. The boys and Lia and Mia all say hi one after another and the twins saying it at the same thing. Then May got a phone call. "May O'Connor. - Yes - Yes - okay thanks- yes i will be right there.- see you soon." Guessing it was her work. Since she's a lawyer i guess she has to leave when they call. "I have to go. I'm so sorry. Mason give them the tour. I'll be back late tonight. By and Jack is at work so it's just you guys be good!" she warns looking at some of the older twins. "Hi I'm Mason . I guess i'll be giving you a tour." He said looking at me. None of us said anything. Jayden and Matt took all of our luggage up to our room i guess. Liam wanted me to pick him up so i did. "Okay so 1st floor out of five not including the basement. 1st is Kitchen, Dining room, Family room, and what was a office but now is a play room for the girls." he says showing us every room. I put Liam down because he is getting heavy. He whines wanting me to carry him. I shake my head and he holds my hand. "This is the elevator there's one on every floor of course. 2nd floor is my moms office, my dads office, game room, and movie theater, and dance room." he says telling us but not showing is the rooms this time. "There's a basement where we have a pool. Anyways we put everyones names, and what's in the room on a paper on each door so you don't get lost." he says showing us the game room door as an example. He keeps looking at me which is weird. Not saying he's weird he is actually very cute. "So here's the 3rd floor which is Liam, Veronica, Jayden, Aiden, and my room." He says walking by all of them Liam is the first one then across from that is mine and next to that is Mason's and across from that is Aiden's. Beside Aiden's room is Jayden's room. Easy to remember yeah. "4th floor is Dylan, Jacob and Ethan share a room, Alex and Ashlie's rooms. Then there's a bathroom at the end of the hall like every floor." he says taking us by them. He hadn't mentioned the bathrooms. "Floor five. Mia and Lia share a room here. My mom and dads room, lounge area, and then Alex's room." he says pointing to them all. And i see the bathroom.we go back to floor four and Mason shows Ashlie her room. Which is purple and has a zebra purple and white bedspread and sheets and a flat screen tv with a wii. She got a purple iPod and iPad and credit card. Also a walk-in closet and a bathroom. Ashlie stays there to unpack and get settled. Then to the third floor and we go to Liam's room. Its painted green and has a closet and bathroom too. He has a TV and a smart-learning system thing in there. He also has a little iPod on the nightstand. "Do you like your room Liam?" i ask. He shakes his head up and down. "Stay in here i'm going to got to my room then come back in here and help you unpack okay?" i ask him. "Okay." he says quietly. He hasn't talked much since we arrived. I wonder why? "Here's your room." Mason says opening the door for me to go in. He follows me and stays behind me as i look around. "Wow, this is amazing." i say. My room is blue with purple dots in some places. It has a walk-in closet and had a bathroom. A flat screen TV with a Xbox and like 20 games. My bed has horizontal stripped blue, purple, and green bedspread with black sheets and a black furry cover under the beadspread. On the nightstand is a blue iPod and a Surface Pro 3 blue computer. And a credit card. In my name. OMG i feel loved. "Like it?" Mason asked sitting on the blue and black chest against my bed. I also have a window seat and desk and a wheely chair. And 3 bean bags in a corner. "Like it? I love it!!" I half yell. "Good and if you need anything I'm right next door." Mason said smiling. "Thanks Mason!" I say hugging him. I don't know why but I did and he hugged me back. Have I mentioned he is really really cute!!
I unpack then help Liam unpack and when I leave he is playing a game with Alex. I walk in my room and lay on my bed and go to pick my clap top up and see a paper I hadn't noticed. I see it has the numbers of everyone in the house except Mia and Lia's. I put them in my phone and text Mason even though he's next door. 'Hi ~Veronica'. I set my lap top up and load everything on and hear scratching at my door. Not knowing what it is I get up and open it a big black and brown German Shepard comes running and jumped on me. I fell.p and on the way down loosing balance I scream. Not like scream loud the neighbors can hear me like a light scream. Side my door is open Mason heard me. He comes run/walking into my room. By the time he gets to me in just laying there petting the German Shepard. I love animals. "Buddy off!" Mason says strictly. And Buddy gets off and sits. I get up and pet him. "I'm surprised he's letting you pet him. He doesn't like people all that great." Mason says smiling. "I love animals what can I say." I say laughing. "Anything else?" He asks. "I sing, dance play viola and cello and piano, good with animals, and I'm a better driver than my sister." I say proud sitting on my bed. I finish uploading pictures and music from my phone to my lap top then lap top things to iPod. "Wow! Talented." Mason says sitting on my bed. We watch a movie and the chef brings our food into my room. Cool!!
And we fall asleep on the floor with a blanket over us, watching a movie I picked. A movie Mason and I love 'Amazing Spider Man'.

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