Chapter 11: Goodnight Best Friend

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So earlier today i set Aiden and Jo up and now they are dating. "Kinda fast right?" i ask Mason who is sitting next to me with his arm around my waist. "Yeah, kinda. But that's what you wanted right?" he asks looking at me. I love how he always pays attention to me. "Well, yeah but i didn't expect them to get together that quick. I mean we didn't start dating for 2 weeks after you kissed me." i said looking at the TV which was playing 'Supernatural'. "Well yeah but people are different." he says reassuring me. "Yeah. You're right." i say smiling and kissing him on the cheek. He looks at me funny. He leans down and kisses me on the lips. He backs up and looks at me smiling. "Have you noticed anything?" he asks smirking. "No, what?" i ask curious to what MY boyfriend the great Mason is talking about. "We haven't gone on a date yet." he says kissing my cheek. "Oh, yeah i guess we haven't. Why though?" i say poking his side. "Because i wanna take you out." he says smiling at me. Oh he is so adorable. Three months! {squealing in my head!} "Really? Mr. Romantic!" i say leaning my head on his shoulder. "I wonder what Aiden and Jo are doing." he states kissing my forehead. "Let's go check." i said standing up. Mason stands up and follows me out of my i mean his room. I open the door and see Aiden on top of Jo. Don't worry they have clothes on they are just making out heavily. "EW! Go to your fucking room to do that!" I screamed and i scared both of them. Mason walked up behind me because he is slow even though my room is right next to his. "What the hell?!" he sad kinda loud. "Oh my freaking gosh!" Jo says getting up. "Come on." Aiden says grabbing her hand. I move out of the way so they can pass. "I have to burn my sheets now!" i yell there way. "Sorry!" Jo says before closing the door behind them and i hear a bang and a moan and i am discussed. Of course I was only kidding about the whole 'burning sheets' thing but my boyfriend's brother having sex with my best friend. "LALALALALA!!" I yell not too loud because it's 11:24 so yeah. "Stop." i hear and turn around. Mason is standing there with an amused smile on his face. "Your amazing you know." i hear him say quietly. He puts his hand in his back pocket and pulls a box out, a small box. "Babe?" i say looking at it. "This is yours. Happy three month anniversary." he says giving me the box. I look at him and open it. "It's amazing!" i exclaim looking at the amazing necklace. It's an infinity sign with a diamond inside it. "It's an infinity sign. Because we will hopefully be together forever." he says looking at me. "We will. We will be together forever." i say smiling at his romantic self. "I have never seen you this romantic before. Here put this on me please." i say handing him the necklace and lift my hair up. "Done." he says walking in the room and pulling me along. I close the door with my foot. I kiss him right away and he puts one hand on my butt and on on my waist. I jump up and put my legs around his waist. Before i know it my back is pressed against the wall. I hear a knock at the door. "What!" i say frustrated at whoever is at the door. "We are a couple that kisses a lot." i whisper at Mason still holding me on the wall, he smiles. "It's me. May. Um, your brother won't talk to anyone. And is crying." she says opening the door a bit. "Okay. I will be there in a second." i say and Mason lets me down. May opens the door "Now, Veronica." she says sternly. "Okay. I'm coming." i say straightening my shirt. She probably knows what we where doing but i won't ask and don't want to. That just calls for disaster, or awkwardness. Mason and i climb the stairs to Liam's room. I knock. Once. Twice. Three time. I barge in. "Liam. Come here." i say looking at Liam in the corner crying softly. Mason stands in the doorway when i walk over to Liam's bed. Liam sniffles and gets up and walks over to me. "What's wrong Liam?" i ask soothingly while rubbing his back. "I hate it here. I... i want to go home and live with Nana. And for everything to be back to the wa... way it was!" he says hyperventilating. I have never seen him like this and i basically raised him. "Liam." i look at Mason who is standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder. I stand up and Mason sits down on the floor in front of me. "I'm not talking to him! Or you or Ashlie or ANYONE!" Liam yells at me. My face drops from concerned to really sad. "Liam hey, look at me. I know you don't like it here. But this is where you live now. You guys can't go back. I'm sorry, but that's how it is. And i wish your grandma was still alive for your sake but she isn't and i am so sorry for that," Liam cries even harder "Liam i will make a deal with you. Okay? How about we fly to Michigan and visit your Nana's grave? Would that be cool?" he says smiling at Liam. "Okay." he says and then he hugs Mason. "Okay. Get to sleep bud." he says tucking Liam in.
"Goodnight. Best friend." Liam says before Mason closes the door. "Best friend huh." i says smiling at Mason. I kiss him on the lips and we get to my room and watch TV. Today was a good day. A really good day.

Authors Note-
Okay hi so, this was chapter 11 and chapter 12 is coming soon! I am going to try and add the boys in more! What do you think about Joslyn and Aiden? And Liam's new best friend!? I think i should put more of Ashlie and Liam and the rest of the boys. Okay so Comment💬Vote🙋FOLLOW!🚶🏃 Thanks!!
P.S. I might not update tomorrow or the day after because it's Christmas Eve {might update i don't know} and Christmas Day {i know i won't update} and i am posting a sneak peek of chapter 12! GO READ IT!!

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