Chapter 2: Anticipation

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Sitting on my bed in my room staring out the window my head was spinning as my thoughts were in full blown chaos. I'm still trying to get everything straight.

It has been a week since I "shifted". Apparently my father and mother, a long time ago, had researched and set up a training program for me just in case this was to happen. Just in case I would be... different. I guess there was no way to know until it actually happens weather or not I was to be a wolf or not.

I have learned the basics of how to maneuver my wings although I still haven't actually tried to fly yet, and every time my wings are touched they light up kind of like a soft glow at the spot they were touched. I have also figured out that when I fold my wings, they will retract completely into my back so that they are completely hidden. It feels so much better when they are out though. My wing span is around 14 feet when they are stretched out to their full length.

Every Guardian, which is apparently what I am, has an elemental gift as well and it turns out mine seems to be water. I can manipulate any form of water at will.

I am still in line to take over the pack as Alpha so I am now training for that as well as this Guardian stuff. We have a pack meeting soon and my father, Tyson White, Alpha of Moon Dance pack, will announce me, Riley White, as the new Alpha.

I. Am. Terrified.

My personality is totally wrong for the position of Alpha, not to mention I'm not even a wolf. Im shy and quiet, more of a listener, although I speak when its needed. My father says it will make me a good, kind, and attentive alpha to the pack and, that our pack will be stronger then ever. I don't even know yet though if the pack will except me after the recent chain of unexpected events. We will be announcing that too and honestly that is why I'm really terrified. Luckily I will still have my fathers help until I feel I am ready to do I alone.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on my door.


"Hey can I come in?" said the voice on the other side of the door.

"Yeah" I say,

Jason, my best friend and my chosen Beta, came waltzing in as if he owned the place and made himself comfortable in the chair closest to me.

"I haven't seen you since your shift. How come?"

"I guess I've just been busy with Alpha stuff" I said continuing to look out the window, not making eye contact. I could feel his stare on me.

"You know I can tell that something is bothering you. It's the only time you sit in front of the window like that. Whats up?" He prodded from his seat.

I broke my stare from the window as I realized he was right. A small smile spread across my face as I realized he was right but it fell a little as I turned to him. I studied his face debating to tell him all that had happened and, trying to think of how he might react to the news. I had got permission from my father to tell him first since he was my Beta but, I could not talk about it to any one else until the announcement was made to the pack. That thought took the rest of the smile off my face and Jason gave me a confused look.

"As my Beta I need to tell you something." I said hesitantly.

He looked even more confused but saw it was serious so he sat up straight and let me continue. I got up running my fingers through my hair trying to find the right words to say. He sat waiting for me to continue as his eyes followed me around the room.

"Something happened that was unexpected during my shift" I spit out quickly and his face went from confused to worried. I took a big breath.

"I guess I have to just show you." I sighed and I closed my eyes.

I took another big breath and before I could back out, I let out my wings, keeping them tucked a bit as to not burst through the walls of the room or make a mess. My room is big but still not big enough to fully open my wings without knocking things over. I opened my eyes slowly, hesitant to see his reaction and found his jaw almost hitting the floor.

"I'm not a wolf." I said, stating the obvious to him but it came out as more of a question.

He continued to stand in awe with large eyes for what felt like forever and the silence began to get awkward. He finally started to walk to me put out his hand and looked over to me, silently asking permission to touch my wing. I gave him a go-ahead nod and he proceeded to slowly walk closer. He came up to my wing and carefully touched it pulling back as the spot he touched glowed a little. He looked at me and back at my wing. He walked around behind me and then came back around with a goofy smile on his face.

"Wow" was all he had to say, speechless from what was in front of him.

"Do you think the pack will still accept me?" I asked with a little bit of fear in my eyes.

I almost wish I hadn't asked but I needed to know what he thought. He looked at me still smiling but it was no longer a goofy smile but a genuine smile.

"Who in their right mind wouldn't want an angel in the pack?" he said, punching me lightly on the arm.

"I'm not an angel" I quickly stated, then I immediately felt bad when he visibly shrank back at my authoritative tone of voice.

"Sorry" he apologized and bowed is head as a sign of submission and respect.

"I didn't mean to snap at you, but its just angel sounds to... feminine. I'm a guardian" I returned his apology and, retracted my wings.

Again he was surprised and jumped back slightly but shook it off quickly and walked around me again.

"The pack will love you no matter what." He said reassuringly with a small pat on my back.

All I can do at this point is hope he's right.


Authors Note


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