Wedding (The End)

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Jimin was at the mall looking for wedding dress with Taehyung. The wedding was going to be next Friday, on the day were they made up. It was 2 months since that day, but they are happy. If Jimin didnt help Jungkook, than Taehyung would have ended up dating Mark again. Which would have been weird-but besides that, Yoongi and Jimin were also going to get married on February 2, 2020. (Not actually true irl) Jimin proses to Yoongi a few days ago, and it was weird. Not because they were getting married, but that Jimin asked Yoongi and not the other way around, it kind shocked people.
Jimin pulled Taehyung 's new, blue shirt and dragged him to the 19th store. "Jiminie why so much?" The brunette asked. "Because we need to find the perfect one!" The blonde answered. Taehyung was happy to be getting married, but he just didnt like all the shopping and what jazz. He didnt actully think of having a wedding, just a contract one with a witness ,but Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, and Jungkook all convinced him to have one. How could he say no to his boyfriend and best friends? So, that's how they got here.....

One the other side, Yoongi was helping Jungkook pick a suit out. "Yoongi-hyung why so many shops?" The black-hair make asked. "Because Jimin wants to make sure you find the perfect one. Besides we've only been to 4, Taehyung has been to 19...SOOOO." The light-hair brunette said. Jungkook just hummed. He knew that friday was going to be very important, and why he should dress nicely, he was getting married after all. But Jungkook was scared that Taehyung would hesitate and say no. He knew Taehyung would never actually do that, but for some reason his mind was thinking it. Jungkook was just paranoid by all of this.
"Yoongi-hyung, do you think Taehyung will say yes?" Jungkook asked looking Yoongi straight in the eye. "Why, of course he will. He loves you with all of his heart, I know he will. And if he hesitates that's normal, he will say yes though. That's a fact. " Yoongi said, while showing his gummy smile. Jungkook felt relived. He was now ready for friday to come. This was going to be the best day of his life!
It was Wesday and everything was going well. All their friends and family were going to go, expect for Taehyung 's father(who still hasn't accepted that his son is gay) and the priest was none other than........Yoongi! Yoongi actually comes from a family that can be a priest when needed, and they dont mid being a priest for gays and les, so it was cool. Today though, was when they are going to start decorating and asking people what they will being to eat. And also ordering the massive, beautiful cake! "I want it to have 5 layers and as big as you!" Taehyung said. "Hey so at least it not so big!" Jimin said laughing, Taehyung joying in aswell.
"Well, I know this is an obvious answer, but why do you want to marry Jungkook?" Jimin and asked Taehyung. "I want to marry him because he is kind, handsome, caring, smart kinda, friendly when he wants to be, protective, and also loves me for me." Taehyung finished smiling his box smile. "That was amazing. Remember to write your speech today though. " Taehyung nodded. He already had his speech done, but he wanted to make sure it was perfect and nothing was wrong with it.
With Yoongi and Jungkook
"Yo, gguk? " Jungkook stopped doing what he was going and turned to face Yoongi. "Have you got your speech ready?" Jungkook 's eyes widened. "I'll take that as a no than. " Yoongi said with a chuckle. "It-its just Yeah, its messed up. I dont know what to write and how to word it." Jungkook confessed. "Well, write about why you want to marry Taehyung and you dont have to use just words. You could sing him his favorite song! " Yoongi finished. "What song does he like?" Jungkook asked his hyung. "Your the boyfriend ,you should know" yelled Yoongi, " Yeah, but wouldn't be more meaningful if I wrote the song?" Yoongi thought for a moment. "Yes. Yes it would, so you better write a song than!" Yoongi said smiling again. Jungkook was glad that he can spend this time with his hung. He wanted to also spend it with Jin and Namjoon, but they were best cooking and fixing, plus planning the wedding. They needed to plan the activities and cook the food, with Namjoon breaking anything.
"How do you think Jin-hyung is doing with Namjoon?" Yoongi turned to the other. "Probably kicked Namjoon out if the house to make sure he dont break anything!" They both laughed at the thought. It was true through. Jin has done that before, so who says that cant happen?
(Wednesday )
Jimin and Taehyung had gotten the things for the wedding, now they need to decorate and cook tonight. Not a lot of people are bringing foods, so big bummer and more things to do. Jungkook on the other had had to talk with jin and Namjoon to see what the day will look like. They were confused how long each event is, so they can plan everything together. "So the activities will start off with thanking people, the main wedding, getting out food, and then the cake, and last but not least.....THE AFTER PARTY, where we get drunk!" Jin finished. And they all laughed with him. Jin was always happy to get drunk, so this was going to be amazing for him. "Okay, so I texted Taehyung the plans and he said he was cool." Yoongi replied.
"Tomorrow will be perfect!" They all said.
Jimin and Taehyung were doing the finished touches and getting the clothes all ready. Plus, tonight was the bachelor's party, one for him and one for Jungkook. Jungkook's party was going to have Yoongi, Namjoon, and his new friends Yeonjun and Huening Kai. While Taehyung 's party was going to have Jimin and Jin, and Hoseok. Taehyung also made new friend called , Soobin and Taehyun. They were excited for the parties tonight. Taehyung was taling them to a bar called, 'Galaxy ' it was an awsome bar with no strippers. So they were just going to drink. Jungkook on the other had was going to "kitten's love's which is a stripper club. He wanted the boys to have fun, even though that club is right beside Taehyung 's club. Sooooo.....nothing. They knew each others plan, so they were both fine with it. The cool thing is, is that Taehyung was finally going to have his dream come true. His dream was to find true love, and that true love was with Jeon Jungkook. Who knew? Mister Popular and Mister Nerd would end up dating yet alone get married.? Ha, well I guess the is a first for everything!
    Everyone started to get ready for their parties. It was currently 7:30 and Jungkook 's party starts at 8:30 at his club, while Taehyung 's party started at 9 and his bar. Everyone was rushing to get ready. Taehyung was setting up the bar, and with his friend Soobin. Soobin said he wasn't busy, so he could help out for a bit. On Jungkook 's side, Yeonjun was help Jungkook out. They were getting everything together, it also helped that Yeonjun was the club's owner. "Yah, Yeonjun you have grown since I high school!" Jungkook said. "You have too, dating that guy. Who knew mister bad boy Jungkook, would be getting married to someone he loves!" Yeonjun finished with a chuckle. Jungkook also laughed. "I guess you got a point, but somehow he struck.......a string that connection my heart. It was weird at first, but than I really did fall for him. " Jungkook finished remember how he fell in love with Taehyung. "Everything will be perfect!" Yoongi  said with a smile, and Jungkook also smiled back. It was now 8:30 and people were starting to show up at Jungkook 's party. He was happy his friends were there. He called Taehyung to ask him.
                ON THE PHONE
Taehyung: Hello?

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