Chapter one: Everythings Gone

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I travel along the outskirts of magnolia, the anticipation is killing me. It's been way too long since I've seen everyone. I wonder if we have new people at the guild by now or less people. I hope for more people.
I spent the last three years training to become stronger, I failed at the one thing I promised I wouldn't do. Protect Lucy, she was hurt physically and emotionally by the tartarus battle.
"Natsu... it's gone" Happy shyly looking ahead, I stop before looking up.The ruins of fairy tail lay on the ground. The faded flag of fairytail is on the ground tattered. Where is everyone? Did they all leave. No they couldn't have.
Walking closer I see that it looks like no one has even touched the ruins in years. I guess after the tartaros battle the guild split, I was the first to go. I can't believe I left her behind, Lucy must hate me for leaving her alone.
"Happy, we need the guild back"
"Aye Sir, I have a feeling where some might be" Happy says, so do I. Lucy is going to be the hardest I believe. Her mansion was taken over when her father went bankrupt and died. Her mother died long ago so she doesn't have anywhere else to go. She could have stuck with someone else but I doubt it.
Erza is probably in the capital along with others. She always loved it their. Mira, Lis, and elfman are probably in their home village. Gray where he used to live, and so on. They retreated to the last place they call home. Erza really never had a home and neither did some people but they will go with someone if that were to happen. I hope Lucy did that.
"Where to first?"
"Duh, we gotta get gray" I say knowing he'll be back in the village his parents died; in Isvan. Thats where I think he'd be. I also believe we could find Juvia their with him because she'd follow him even if she was dying. I wonder if their dating yet because if their not I might lose my cool.
I matured a lot over the last three years. Happy has said that, he remembered when I used to recklessly destroy things. That time now seems like a distant memory because I don't destroy things anymore, I may have trained and gotten stronger but I haven't used magic in almost a year.
Boarding the train that takes us to Isvan, where Gray should be if I'm right about where he'd go. I hand the train attendant my ticket and he takes it. Quickly finding my seat, I fall asleep quickly before the train could move because I still get motion sickness.
"Natsu! Wake up we are here" I hear. Happy is shaking me with all his might which isn't much seeing how he's a cat that's a foot and a quarter tall. So what I'm saying is that he isn't that tall. I get off the train to be met with the blooming village. People everywhere. Now this is where is gets a little tricky, where would he stay if he is here.
I begin to ask around, soon enough I know that gray lives here but no one seems to know where he is. Like common, is he not friends with anyone in this goddamn village.
I enter an old looking cafe, the sign is crooked and looks like it would fall if a feather touched it. The jingle of the bell is heard when I push the door open, this is very few people here but this is my best shot I got. I walk up to the old lady who look quite nice. I lean against the counter.
"I'm looking for Gray Fulbuster"
"Oh gosh, you scared me" she exclaimed. "Gray is at work right now, can I help you"
"Where does he live"
"Uh 104 Saint street" she says and I nod, finally someone knows something around here, tt takes me awhile but I find it. I knock a few times but I received no replies. I twist the door nod to find it's unlocked. Sweet. I walk in realizing no one is home. I assume Juvia lives here too, I see her clothing too or Grays got another lover. I doubt that though, juvia would have her to shreds so fast.
"What are we going to do?"
"Wait for him, I want to scare him a little so leave the door open a crack I'm going to put my hood on, so hide somewhere when you hear him" I say before placing my hood on my head. I don't want him to make bi commotion so I'll have him come to me at night because then no one is wandering the streets.
I wait, tapping my foot on the floorboards as I sit at his table that you see when you walk in. I can't wait to see my buddy after all this time. He probably has changed but whatever. I don't think I imagined ever saying this but I miss the guy.

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