Chapter Four:Baby

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The guild has been open for about three months. We now hold thirty four members, once a lot of the old members heard about the guild's reopening by the councils announcement and came back. Gramps is actually coming back too, he sent a letter. He's not going to be the master though.
To everyone's surprise Lisanna and Delilah began dating, it's cute. I'd never picture Lisanna to be Lesbian, no one did. She came out after dating delilah for two weeks. Apparently Lisanna asked out Delilah. Sure they are still figuring everything out but they are going onto their one month soon, I'm just glad Delilah's happy again.
Elfman was devastated when received the news of the passing of Evergreen, she apparently was murdered in her sleep by the same man who tried taking Bislows life too. He woke up but did receive permanent damage, the thunder legion avenged her death and honored her, I've never seen Elfman cry so much.
"Mira, can I speak with you about something" I ask her once I approach the counter, Delilah gives me a concerning look. Mira questionly followed me up stairs and sat in front of my desk.
"If feels weird to be in a masters office without yelling to stop reading those dirty magazines" Mira joked as she's obviously worried about what I have to say. I mean, how do I even ask her.
She hasn't brought it up to the guild about her pregnancy, I was confirmed when she started showing and she started wearing clothing that covered her stomach. Her leg bounced nervously.
"So when are you planning to tell Laxus about the pregnancy?" I asked her digging through my drawer for my keys, I need them. I keep losing them. I glance back up to see the surprise on her face.
"How do you know?"
"Like I've said before, I've changed, I'm pretty observant" I tell her and she looks away. I wonder why she hasn't told Laxus yet because it's his child. I know it is because of the scent trail. It's funny how I can confront others about their romance when i can't even find my lover.
"I don't know how to tell him, It's hard natsu"
"Tell him honestly, no lying, just straight out saying and if he rejects the baby I will personally beat his ass" I say to her, Mira has always been like a sister to me, a sister to many. She's always so caring about other but herself.
"Okay, natsu I have a question I've been meaning to ask you?" Mira starts and looks away from me when I stare at her with a raised eyebrow. "Wheres lucy"
Lucy, she wants to know about the person who's been on my mind non stop since I stepped away from her. How could I have been so blind and no tell her how I feel. The fact that I knew all along that she was the one but never really agree with myself. That will forever haunt me.
" I wish I knew mira, I can't find her and nether can the magic council, last they heard of her she went rogue" I say and Mira sighs. Soon she leaves, I walk over to the wall and I stare at it. If I were Lucy where would I be?
That's the same question I keep asking myself. Where would she be, I just need her back and it's killing me that she's so far from me. I miss her so much it's insane that I miss her this much. I didn't think it was possible for anyone to miss someone this much.
The first few months on my training it was hard, sleeping without lucy to hold. She was reassurance that everything was still real. I wanted to hold onto my reality but that failed when I left. Now, even though I'm back. I got no one to hold while I sleep, I got nothing to define what is reality or not. It's breaking me.
I get up and I headed down to the guild, the people we have are gathering and having fun like back in the days, I still find myself searching for Lucy when I look into the crowd. It breaks me a little bit more when I don't see the blonde haired girl I've been waiting to see for quite some time.
I smile when I notice Mira talking to Laxus at the bar and they go to the back, she's going to tell him. That's wonderful, I can't wait to see the kid that comes out of this. My only hope is that Laxus accepts this child. What would it be like having a child with Lucy, I bet they would be so cute mainly because of Lucy.
My smile that was once their drops when I see the tears threatening to come out of her eyes, without being noticed she storms out of the guild so I follow and I find her crying in the flowerbed she made because she wanted to. Without saying a word I just sit next to her holding as she sobbed into my shoulder.
"He said he was too young to have a child" She wept. I feel bad for this poor girl, why was Laxus such a jerk to reject his child because I would be ecstatic if Lucy had a child, mine or not. I would love the child with all my heart.
"I'm going to talk to Laxus" I say and she nods letting me stand up. I see him heading down the hall to the washrooms but before he could go in I shove him back. He looked taken back that I shoved him. "What the hell is wrong with you"
"You shoved me man" he says shoving me back. He obviously doesn't know that I know because Mira didn't even have the chance before she ran out of here crying.
"Mira is carrying your child, your flesh and blood, why would you ever let that child grow up without a father because you and I both know damn well what it's like to grow up in a broken family" I seeth, I grew up with my mom and igneel for the first six years of my life before my mother was arrested and Igneel died in the tartorse battle.
"I'm to young Natsu, I can't be a father"
"You are twenty four years old Laxus, Mira's Twenty one, what's the difference between" I growl shoving him again. He looks at me without saying a word. "Don't give up what you have because some would kill to be where you are Laxus, all I'm saying is that if you don't step up and help Mira you going to lose her faster than you'd think" I say heading back out to Mira and I comforted her until she calms down and is able to go back in but she isn't in the same mood, she's still down.
Mira said if Laxus doesn't want to smarten up and help raise their child she'd happily move on. She knows she needs help with it. I sit at the bar drinking my water, I grew to hate alcohol over the last few years. I can't stand what it does to you, you forget things and it can ruin relationships.
"Hey Natsu, I'm going to take this job" Laxus says, I look at the job, a six month job on the other side of the country, I know mira isn't trying to listen in but she is big time. I know he's made his decision. I stamp it and he leaves. I see Mira trying not to cry so I lead her my hand to hold.
"It's going to be alright mira, everything is going to be just fine," I tell her truthfully and she smiles turning away from people wiping her eyes and walking away. I take a deep breathe and I walk over to Gray and Erza who are joined by Wendy, Carla, Happy, Levy, Gajeel, Juvia. I take the last remaining seat and they greet me.
"Natsu, was lucy coming back to the guild?" Levy said, I knew she'd ask eventually because of the fact they are best friends and they always have been.
"No one has a clue where she is, the council has been trying to track her down because apparently she went rogue, she turned" I say and shocked looks all over the table have been worrying that maybe the council does know where she is. Levy is the only one still looking at me.
"Come to my office and I'll show you exactly why" I say and they all follow me their and they wait until I hand Levy a picture of Lucy with a dagger in one hand, tattoos all over her arms and stomach, pure black clothing, black markings on her body, that's not the girl I loved but I need to get her back still.
"I can't believe it" Erza says, no one can and honestly I don't blame them.

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