Chapter Six:Unwanted memories

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A lot happened in the last nine months the guild has been open, Mira told the guild about the pregnancy week after our little chat in my office and a month ago little Nora was born. Blonde spiky hair just like Laxus's, Mira's dark blue eyes and she also has the attitude of her mother, happy unless you do the wrong thing.
The team shortly left for training after mira's announcement for training, six months of training and now we are gearing up to head to the capital where we will participate in the games, gray did come to terms with it once he realized the potential of the group I have chosen. I allowed Wendy and Juvia to also train separately, they feel like they need to for next year because they want to participate.
Gramps eventually came back a month before Nora was born and was beyond pissed at Laxus and he selfishness. He ran off when things got hard for him, he wanted freedom even if it costed him being in his child's life and being with the woman he loves. I can see it in his eyes, it was hard to leave but he's a man who wants freedom, a fantasy future.
I've been taking jobs at least once a month, high paying jobs to help Mira. I don't charge her rent because the other girls cover that and other things but I help her with the food and such.
"Hey Nora" I say seeing her in her little high chair eating her little soft crackers that she just loves. Mira came back to work a week ago because she got bored even though she loved the time she had with her daughter, it was just too boring for her. Laxus's mission was pushed back so he'll be back shortly after the games. Lucy has been making more appearances.
"Hey Natsu, Mira smiles when seeing me. I place an envelope on the table, they have a cute little home at fairy hills. She takes it and opens it and find it's a letter from laxus saying his mission was delayed and he'll be back within the next two to four months. Mira leaned her head back holding back tears.
I finish feeding Nora while Mira takes a minute. She gave me a bowl of baby food before running out of the room. I spoon feed her the food that doesn't look appetizing but smells good. Nora refuses it so I eat some and then she hate some. I hear laughing when I turned around and I threw up my breakfast into the garbage. Mira and nora are laughing at me. I glare at Nora playfully,
"How do babies eat this stuff?" I ask Mira handing her the empty bowl. She washes the bowl and puts it away.
"I really don't know but they can't have real food"
Man babies have it hard, no real food. I'd hate to be a baby even though I was once a baby. Mira burps Nora until she burps and than she puts nora into a little bed for her.
"Any word on lucy?"
"None, more sightings of her but nothing" I say to Mira, everyone is now worried about her whereabouts. I do believe she will be at the Grand Magic Games that mostly everyone in the guild is leaving for. A few are staying behind just because they want to. I get weekly reports on the temas training progress along with Wendy's and Juvia's.
I look at the sleeping figure in the little crib, I wish I had a kid, with Lucy, of course. Even though I might not be the best father I'll do better than my dad. I may have been too young to remember my father, but I did. He hit my mother, got drunk too often that him being drunk what the normal.
"Natsu are you alright?" Mira says putting a hand on my shoulder, I didn't notice but a tear slid down my cheek without me knowing.
"Yeah, just thinking about my parents"
"They must have been so happy to have you natsu, you may be stupid at times but you are very caring" Mira says with a smile but I remain silent. Dad didn't even know my name half the time which is why I called Igneel my dad. Mom started to do drugs when I was four. I remember everything until I was two. Quickly developed brain.
"My dad didn't know who I was the majority of the time, he only cared about his booze. Eventually that addiction turned to abused, he took all his anger out on my mom and my mom turned to drugs to distract herself from the family that was falling apart, my aunt took me away and gave me to Igneel when I was five years old, than I came here when I was nine. That is the reason why I hate to see kids hating their parents for helping them when all I wished for as a child to have a normal family"
Mira looks at me with watery eyes, most people don't know the background that I come from, it's not a nice past but it's all I got. It made me who I was because I acted carefree because I wanted to relive my childhood. People who know and understand my past will realize that everything I've done has been for a reason.
"Natus, I didn't know, I'm so sorry, Losing Igneel was like losing a parent, I lost mine when I was young but I had others, you didn't"
"Igneel would be the second parent I watched die, my mother died with a bullet through her skull from my father which got him arrested, he's still in Jail to this day" I say and Mira looks at me. I hate telling people my past, this is normally all I say. Their is a lot more but I can't put it into words.
"That makes you who you are, I'm sure when you have a kid of your own that kid will be the luckiest kid on the planet to have you" Mira says making me smile hoping that is true because if it is, I don't know what I'd do.
"I should be getting to the guild" I say leaving, Mira took today off to pack. I head to the guild happy joins me seeing how he was visiting Wendy and Carla. Happy sits on my shoulder, I know he misses lucy even though he hasn't said it. He's been worried about me for the past two years because I lost my spark, a spark that I want but I guess when everything falls apart, that's what happened.
"Hey Natsu, grey informed us that they should be boarding the train to the capital tonight so tomorrow morningwe'll head out" Delilah says and I nod, she took miras job of informing me of things. Delilah has been eyeing up lisanna for the last month. I think she likes her but the funny part is I think Lisanna likes her back.
I go to my office with happy to finish up some paperwork, I need to get this done and have Delilah send it off before the games because those can take a long time depending on the circumstances.
I get up and I go to the bathroom before removing the scarf to see a scar on the side of my neck from dad, that's the reason Igneel gave me this because I hate seeing it, with the scarf their I don't have too.
It's been weird, no mental problems lately and I've been taking my meds daily like instructed. Dr. Smith says I'm getting better, my anger issues aren't as bad as long as I try to remind myself what's important.
We make it to the capitol, all of us head to the hotel where the team currently is along with Wendy and Juvia. I have to go talk to the team before the games start tonight to get the eight teams that will be participating.
We are all sharing rooms, two beds in each room. Mira, nora and Delilah are in one room, Mika, kyle and me in another and so on. Most of them picked their own rooms and Mika and Kyle said I could share rooms with them so i asked if I need ear plugs.
"Hey Natsu" Erza when I walk into the room on the top floor where the five of them are currently staying. I smile at Erza and engulf in a bone crushing hug. I hear Grey laughing.
"You guys ready?" I ask and I get a collective nods from everyone present in the room. I soon leave them to prepare for tonight. I go back to the room only to find Mika and Kyle making out so I walk right back out and to Mira and Delilahs room but only Mira was there and of course Nora.
"Hey Nora" I say crouching next to her little crib. Not many people know but I love little kids, they are so cute, innocent and carefree. Nora grabs my finger before laughing. I Gently poke her little button nose, just like mira her nose scrunched up.
"I was wondering who was playing with her" Mira said coming into the room with Nora's little outfit. "Delilah is going to stay back and watch Nora while I'm watching the games, it will be too loud for her little ears"
I smile at her before Mira picks her up and lays her on the little blanket. She giggles and squirms around. Mira puts on her clothing little tiny body. I have no idea why laxus would run but whatever. Nora soon is put to bed and Mira joins me at her hotel table.
"What's on your mind"
"Everything, all at once" I tell her, over the last little bit our relationship got better, Mira is like my really good best friend. There is no feelings whatsoever because I'm in love with Lucy and she's in love with Laxus but are lovers aren't here currently.
"Am I doing a good job as guild master?" I say to mira and she smiles sliding me some water she just poured. She also moured herself some water before taking a seat in front of me.
I've been guild master for about nine months now and I can't even do half the things master could do, why I can't do that. I have to be responsible for all these people. Master would do things that made him a great master but he also had someone guiding him and don't.
"Natsu you are doing great, some of the other masters out their are going to wish they were you; your just starting out" Mira says to me as she finishes clothing Nora; Nora had little tear stains on her little cheeks. She hates being changed or dressed. Nora is starting to crawl around seeing how she is seven months old now.
"I miss Lucy" I admit , something I didn't think I would ever admit. I should have never left, because I miss her more than ever"
"That's because your in love natsu, it's natural you miss her but one day she'll come back to you" Mira said and all I do is sigh. I hope she does.

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