Chapter Eleven: Plan

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"Welcome back everyone! Today to start everything off we will be having a one verse one battles today. Chance from Roars of hell Lyon from Lamia Scale" the mascot says before joining the judges up top. Both parties make their way to the battle field. They engage in a battle but like always. Chance takes the victory.
After that it's Casandra versus sting. There are a total of five battles today. Levy quickly goes and get everyone. I wait in the room and Chance is the first one here.
"Did you find out how to help her?"
"Yes but let's wait for everyone to get here" i say and levy, erza, Gray, delilah and Mira soon show up. They all gather around the table where levy begins to lay things out.
"Lucy as everyone has seen is here, chance here was taken in by Lucy about four years ago, right after the disbanding of the guild" levy explains and Chance nods at levy. " Lucy began to learn one of her many magics that her mother had failed to teach her, it's called third blood meaning thirty percent of her blood is human, thirty percent of her blood is dragon and forty percent of her blood is demon"
"Your saying lucy is basically a Demon" Erza says folding her arms in front of her chest. Levy nods.
"I did some research and my friend was able to get me information of the Heartfilia bloodline, they are commonly known in Alvarez Empire, Anna Hearfilia which is Lucy grandmother was a requip mage along with a celestial mage. She also had elemental dragon slayer magic, Anna had her first kid, Layla with no other, Alconlagia"
"Acnologia is her grandfather!" Gray and Mira say at the same time.
"Their is more, when layla turned ten she gained all her magic from both sides of the family. She was known for her dragon slaying magic and actually saved dragons instead of slaying them which made her the queen of the dragons. A war took place when Layla was twenty. Two years after become queen. To resolve the war between the demons and the dragons Layla had to marry and have a kid with the son of the demon king." levy takes a short break to take a sip out of her cup of water.
" His name was eric. Eric was seventy percent demon. The outcome of the child was Lucy or as her full name, Lucinda Heartfila but she had a twin named Lucifer Heartfilia who died at the age of four so Layle and Eric thought it would be best that Lucy was raised in Flore. Igneel helped her get their and than he took you on Natsu, which this is where you got your scarf from. Layla repaid Igneel with a scarf that was passed down the heartfilia family for over five hundred generations which igneel gave to you. When Layla later died is the reason the dragons left, they needed to protect the kingdom"
That's not confusing at all. Lucy comes from a long line of powerful mages. But what does this have to do about the mark. It doesn't tie together.
"What about the mark?"
"I'm getting there"levy said stretching. " now this is where it begins to make sense, apparently after the wedding of Eric and Layla, their was another kingdom that is commonly known as tartaros but some know it as the Dragneel Kingdom, Zeref is actually your brother natsu, don't ask me how that works out cause I don't know"
Wait, zeref is my brother, my family has a kingdom. What.
"Zeref heard that they were getting married and when zeref heard that they announced Layla was pregnant with twins, he waited five years and killed Lucifer, Lucy's brother. When he realized that Lucy wasn't there he left but not unsaved. Eric was able to harm him but Zeref got away"
Zeref was the reason that Lucy's brother was killed. He must be trying to kill Lucy because Chance did say lucy and Zeref did have a battle but no one won because Zeref left.
"When Layla left zeref followed and eventually killed Layla on Lucy's fifth birthday and thought that he also killed lucy" Levy says before looking around the room, everyone was looking at her. My own brother killed Lucy's brother and mother. That's not right.
"When he realized Lucy was alive, he must have teamed up with Alex, the master of the Roars of hell, zeref knew Alex could do demon markings and he came up with another plan" levy is about to continue when Chance interjects.
"They were planning to force Lucy to marry zeref weren't they, I overheard master talking to someone about it, all they needed was for the right time for them to get married, wait a year and then kill lucy"
"That's correct, or at least I think so, it makes sense"
He wants the power that you get with all that land and was willing to go through somebody else for it.
"We have to do this fast, if zeref gets all the power this world is as good as gone" I say and erza is the first to reply.
"What do you say we do"
"We need evidence that this is truly happening for the council to be able to do something so Chance I think you should put a camera in Lucy's room, after we have evidence we'll take the master down" I say and everyone agrees, Levy respects my decision that I don't want to tell them that I have to mark lucy to save her.
Everyone leaves besides Chance. She walks up to me and gives me a huge hug.
"Thank you Natsu, I finally got my mom back, like she was before everything happened" Chance says and I smile. She takes the little camera and leaves.

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