Chapter Fifteen: Freedom

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*Back to Natsu's POV*    
    Today is the last day before the final day, to see who wins, who comes out on top. I'm excited to see who wins. Lucy didn;t come back yesterday which is kinda upsetting but whatever. I now can rest knowing that for now, she is safe.
    The team is taking a break today, a day to relax cause we all really need it. It's been really stressful over the last little while. To relax and have some fun we are going to the beach. Everyone is already there and then afterwards we are going to the bar to drink and eat.
    I leave a note on the counter incase lucy stopped by, When I leave my hotel room I see Wendy walking but without carla and Happy.
    "Where is Happy and Carla?" I ask her to come beside her and she jumps a little. I most likely scared her.
    "They are with Gajeel and pantherlily" Wendy says. She's almost eighteen which is crazy. I remember when we first met her, she ran in and fell. We all thought she was a child that got lost or something.
    "Are you excited to be eighteen?" I ask her and she nods. She begins to tell me about her seventeenth birthday party. She spent it in her room with Carla for no reason.
    Before we know it, we are on the hot sand walking towards the group. Wendy goes over to the exceeds while I takes a seat on the sand by Gray, Gajeel, Levy, and Erza. I sit there listening to them talk, pitching in ounces in a while.
    It's about five in the evening, we all are at the bar. It's loud as ever. Laughter is everywhere.
    "Hey Natsu" Mira says sitting next to me. Wendy went back to the hotel so she is watching Nora for Mira. she offered so mira can have some fun.
    "Whats up" I say taking a big swig from my beer. I don't drink a heavy as I used to. Before I was out their partying until the sun came back up. I guess once you take a step back and look at life, you are a different person.
    "Nothing, how are things with lucy?"
    "I don't know, I haven't seen her since yesterday morning," I state and Mira nods. For some reason the whole bar goes silent. What's going on. I look where they are all looking and their was Laxus standing their He's back early. He silently came over and sat next to mira and waited until everyone went back as before.
    "I'm sorry" he said to her, I get up and I go to the back to get some air while they talk.
    When I get back inside, Laxus is talking to Mira, she has a huge smile on her face. I'm glad he's back, she needs him and he needs her. Nora is cute and all, but they are still young and not very wise. I say goodbye to Mira and I headed back to the hotel room. When i get their, Mika and Kyle's room is empty. I see a note on their door.
We went back to the guild, we need to take some jobs.
~mika and kyle
    I crumble up the note and I turn and their stood lucy leaning on the door of my room. She's wearing black leggings and a tank top. All her tattoos are displayed. She walks up to me and gently places her hands on the side of my face and kisses me.
    "I have good news natsu" Lucy says pulling away. She pulls away from me and handed me a piece of paper. I sit down and I take it from her. She stands there obviously nervous. Her fingers are playing with the end of her shirt.
    On the top it says. 'Disbanding of Roars of Hell'. After reading that I look up at lucy. A huge smile spreads across my face and I stand up hugging her as she laughs. I kiss her check.
    "That's not all, but you'll find the other part tomorrow, I hope it's alright with you but me and my team will be joining fairy tail" Lucy says and I smile at her.
    "Finally, you'll be back where you belong" she smashes her lips onto mine eagerly. I pick her up and Placed her onto the chair, not break the kiss. Once we pull away she just sits there. Her head on my chest. I missed her for so damn long. There is literally no more of me hiding my feelings.

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