Chapter Eight: Fear

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I sit on the edge of the bed thinking, today is day two of the games meaning tonight I can spend time with lucy. I wish she was still in my arms, soon enough she'll be here, where she belongs.
"Natsu, lets go" Mira said coming out with Nora, she's packing headphones for Nora because Mira wants to come to the games. We walk out of the hotel and to the area. We get to our balcony to watch the games. Nora has headphones on and is watching this little kids show.
Mira is actually doing a good job, no thanks to laxus who abandoned her. Why would he do that. He's back in to weeks. He's going to be hit hard with reality, either you help her raise the kid or it might become extremely awkward at the guild. It's not like she's asking them to get married. She nts help with Nora.
"It's been a long time since I've been here, holy smokes" mira says excited, she wants to see Lucy and let's hope she's fighting today. It has been a long time since we've all been here. Almost four years since we first came here. Mind you, we only played on game but that was a tough week. I can't believe the nerve on minerva but I guess lucy got her back.
"It makes me feel old that it's almost been four years"
"Yeah no kidding" mira says. It's hard to believe that the last time I was here I was nineteen years old, I turned twenty three last month. That makes lucy twenty one. She was seventeen when we met. I guess she could be eighteen, no one really knows her birthday.
"Welcome back everyone! Today is going to be duo battles" the mascot yells into the mic, cheers erupt in the crowd. I wonder who we get to fight today. Every guild has to fight at least once a day.
"We will first start with Lamia Scale, Lyon and Cherry verses sabertooth, Sting and Yukino!" One of the guest judges say letting the crowd goes wild as all four get onto the field. Everyone's grown so much over the years, it's unbelievable to be standing here again.
The fight overall was boring because all their magic equaled out causing a tie. Sabertooth in fourth and Lamia Scale in third. Fairy Tail in second and then the Roars of Hell in first. Mainly because they are all insanely strong. Eventually we'll have to fight them.
The next fight was between Mermaid Heel, Millieanna and Beth verses Quatro Puppy, two guys that really aren't that important. They were in eight place and remain their as their asses were handed to them.
The third fight was between this girl named April and Jason, Roars of Hell verses Fairytail, Erza and Gray. the crowd didn't know whether to be scared or excited. Eventually cheers came from the crowd. I strengthened my posture. The battle began and like other members, Erza and Gray were quickly eliminated. Both carried out on stretchers because I assume they used some sort of spell to put them asleep.
That team is full of power houses meaning, they are extremely strong. Each one holds a special ability. I wonder what Lucy's is. Last night after my visit with Lucy I did some research. They all have one magical special ability and another that has no association with magic.
Once the games end me and mira are walking back, the sun is going down meaning Lucy is gaining her control back and I'd have to meet with her soon. Nora is fast asleep in Mira's arms. Erza and gray are okay, they are resting in the infirmary.
"She's so cute" we hear and both of us turn to see lucy approaching us. She has a big smile on her face. Mira covers mouth containing her sobs. I take Nora from her as they both hug dearly. Mira is crying. She eventually takes Nora back.
"Is Laxus not in the picture?"
"How did you know Laxus was the father?" Mira asks and I'm kinda curious too. I didn't tell her.
"Every child will always have a distinct of each parent, she an electric feel from her, meaning she took on Laxus's magic and not yours, easy" Lucy says looking at nora. "Plus Laxus came to me a few months back, he needed help"
"He came to you?" Mira sasy, her voice was breaking. Why would he go to Lucy and how did he know where she'd be.
"Mira he's probably going to kill me for saying this but the only reason he didn't want this little cutie pie is because he didn't want to be his father, he is scared right now, he wants to be apart of her life but it isn't easy"
Lucy looks at mira whos about to cry. Lucy takes Nora out of her arms and holds her as mira wipes her tears away. He doesn't want to be like his father, his father would take constant missions but eventually he became a distant memory to him.
"This job he went on, pays over twenty million jewels, he wanted to be here for you guys and not a dad who only is here between jobs"
"I thought he just didn't care"
"You two are on his mind constantly Mira, he'll be back soon" Lucy said giving her back Nora and she looks at me. She nods and walks away in the direction of the alley from last night. I walk Mira back and Mira heads to bed and I head to lucy.

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