Chapter Three: Fairytail

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Walking into the tall white building, the magic council, I'm met with the happy smiles of some familiar faces but their names aren't following the familiarity. This one girl leads me to where need to be. I soon sit before a young man, he was an apprentice last time I saw Mason.
"How May I help you Mr. Dragneel"Mason asks, he must be twenty five by now. I honestly can't tell if he has dark brown hair or black hair. It's hard to tell. I knew it was him from the red mark on his forehead.
"I'm looking to reopen Fairy Tail" I state and he swallows hard. His eyes look down like he's holding back to say something. He's holding back words.
"Who's going to be taking the masters position?"
"I will be, I spent three years in mountains trying to change, I can do this" I state causing him to get a wicked grin on his face. He grabs some papers and reads them word for word with me. He explained to me the conditions of the being a guild master. I am handed a black inked pen and I signed the forms. He signs off on the paperwork.
"I have one more question"
"That is?"
"What information can you get on Lucy Heartfilia?" I ask and he looks taken aback and bewildered. It's not an everyday quest, I figure they must at least have some record of her.
"How about you leave it with me for a while and when I am able to I will send all the councils information about her out to you"
I nod getting up and shaking his hand walking away with the paper that says I'll be the guild master. I never imagined this day. I always thought I'll only be a guild member. But I guess you have to accept fate and not judge.
"By the way natsu, I know where a lot of fairy tail members are. I'll pass the message off about the guild rebuilding" Mason says just before I could leave. I nod and Happy lands on my head once I leave the office before heading out of the capital. On the way out I posted notices in the main capital attractions saying that fairytail is back.
It's been a month since I gathered those six and the guild is built like it used to be. I did have some help from some people I met on my three year journey, they have joined the guild. My good friend Delilah is a sarcastic little thing, she keep weirding women out because she's lesbian and wouldn't stop staring at them.
Gray and them still haven't arrived but they will when the do. what's killing me is that I don't know when the information about Lucy will come in. I am waiting and the wait is killing me.
"What's got you on edge" Delilah says leaning against the counter with a wet towel over her shoulder, she's the bartender because she's a healing mage, not many people know. She's a demonic Healer meaning she's powerful and can heal pretty much anything.
"Nothing" I say because I really didn't actually tell her about the fact I requested information about Lucy but she will find out. It sucks that she's been friends with me for so long she knows me. She stands in front of me with an unconvinced look. She stands between my legs.
Good thing no one is here yet because it's early. Normally people don't start coming for another twenty minutes. Mainly because they drink. I make great friends don't I; I mean Delilah is my best friend and she doesn't drink because her father was an alcoholic and saw what it did to him.
"Are we interrupting something?" I hear and I see Gray, Juvia, Erza, Mira, Lisanna, Elfman and Laxus.
"Not at all, Natsu I'm not letting it go" Delilah says before disappearing into the kitchen. I SIgh knowing I dodged a bullet for now until later when we are alone again when she confronts me about it.
"It's good to have you guys back" I say hugging them. They still have their marks from before. Happy soon flies down from my office. We've been settled for about a week.
"Natsu what about my job back, as the bartender" mira asks and I really don't know, Delilah is in charge of it.
"Delilah Get out here" I call her back and when she makes an appearance she has fries stuffed in her mouth. I shake at her and she quickly eats her food not thinking that they were still out here.
I just look at her and she looks at me and she smiles. "Of course you can work with me, I'm guessing you already know how seeing how natsu told me a lot about you"
They look confused by how she knew what I was going to say, I found it weird at first but she spent her life learning peoples facial features, what things mean. She also can read minds with the owners consent which I gave she temporary consent.
Mira follows her back and the rest of us go to a table. Lisanna sits across from me. I guess now we'd have thirteen people in the guild now that they are here. Seeing how there was six and now seven more so yeah.
"It's good to be back, whos the master now?"
"I am" I state and jaws drop at this news, that's probably the last thing they'd expect but I grew up over the last little while, I thought about everything in life and I came to a realization that being destructive isn't going to get me anywhere if I continue down that path.
"Wow didn't expect that, is your girlfriend helping you" Erza says to me and I choke on my water, what girlfriend. Does she mean Delilah because it does not look like we are dating we are just friends.
"Delilah is lesbian, and I wouldn't date her if the world was ending" I say disgusted at the thought of dating her, she's a really good friend but it would be hell to date her. She knows my every move. It's not long before a wet towel lands on the back of my head from delilah. Scary.
The only girl I want to date is Lucy, but I need to find her first. Thats whats so hard right now, the fact that she's out their and I don't know where she is. The anticipation is killing me because she could be dead for all I know and I hope she isn't.
"Whats up Natsu" Cassie, Delilah's sister who I met a few months back. She is very different from Delilah. She ruffles my hair like she does every morning and goes to the bench to wait for her sister to come out.
"Morning Cas"
"Natsu how in the world did you live with Dominic and Ivy for seven months, they are so loud" She says to me, I chuckle knowing what she means. Ivy and Dominic hve been together for six years now and almost everynight they have sex and are incredibly loud. But I stayed with them because I was broke and needed somewhere to stay.
"Ear plug work miracles"
"What you guys talking about" Speak of the devils, Ivy Dominic walk in on que and Cas shuts up. She doesn't have the guts to say it to their faces.
"We were talking about you very loud sex life" I bluntly say earning a smack on the back of the head by cas, Delilah bursts out laughing which ends up with her holding her stomach while dying from laughter. A huge grin on my face and Ivy goes red and Dominic looks just dead.
"Shut up Dragneel"
"It's true though, I'm not wrong"
"Shocker" me and dominic never got along the best, that might be because when I first met him I didn't like him from how he talked about fairy tail, now look where he is.
Dominic goes and sits down which is soon joined by Mika and Kyle. that's six that joined first. Delilah's Mark is on her shoulder blade, Cas's is on her left breast, Ivy on her thigh, Kyle and Dominics on their left shoulders and Mika's is on her stomach. The one thing that is common among their mark is that they are all black.
"You've changed natsu" Lisanna says and I shrug, the guild doors open and I smile when Mason walks through the door. I guess the wait is over. I stare at the orange envole in his left hand.
"Mr. Dragneel this is all the information I gather about the subject" Mason says as It's confidential about the person I've been searching for. I just hope she's not dead because I can't handle that.
"Any new information you get I want" I say taking it from him and going to my office as soon as he's gone. I open the file and I see a picture of Lucy, she's beautiful. She was last seen fourteen months ago. She has tattoos and a new style but it looks good on her, makes her look strong and fierce.
She was last seen in the capital and caused a commotion by destroying a whole building with an unknown magic. There are many leads on her, it looks like someone else was keeping their tabs on lucy.
I set up the corkboard and I start making a map everywhere she could be and I covered it with a flag of fairy tail. No one can know I'm searching for her because I just don't want a huge search. I just need to know she's alive and well that will put me at ease. I put the file in my top drawer and locked it.
I get some paperwork done before there's a knock on my door and Erza and gray comes in and sits in front of me. I push the paperwork out of my face and I drop the pen.
"How you've been buddy" Gray says shoving his hands into his pockets. He looks at me dead in my eyes. Erza leans on the wall beside the door.
"Great" I shortly say, I don't really tell him how I've been over the three years. Delilah convinced me to get mentally checked out and I anger issues and Bipolar. It sucks because now I have to take these pills all the time to keep me good.
"Really? You're different natsu, where's the old you. The person who was destructive, the person who was dumb as shit" Gray says before recieving a smach on the head by Erza.
"What he's trying to say natsu, your not the same. We were speaking with some of your friends and they said you've been weird, lashing out at people, quite, rarely using magic" Erza says and I look away, I didn't think people actually paid attention but I guess they do. I don't know if I can verbally say why I'm like that.
I play with the bracelet on my wrist, it's a friendship bracelet that was made by Delilah's daughter before cancer killed her, six years old and was the sweetest little thing. I clench my fists together in memory of Delilah breaking down holding her little girl in her arms. No one knew what to do, I just held her.
"I'm good guys, there's no reason to worry" I say forcing a smile, I go back to my work giving them the que to leave me alone. Once I know for certain they are down stairs I launch my pen at my wall, the force knocked something off the wall and it made a shattering noise. I prop my arms on the table and I rest my forehead on my fists.
Damn anger issues and getting in the way all the time. I know for a fact everyone heard the crash because of my dragneel ears I heard people asking what happened. I practice my breaths just like Dr. Smith said to. I need to punch something. I hear a knock on my door and Delilah comes in and closes it behind her. She kneels beside me and puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Natsu what wrong, talk to me buddy" she says I remain silent. "Should I call Dr.Smith? She'd be here in a heat bea"
Even though my pride is telling me that I should do this on my own, I nod. I need someone to help me because I can't get through this on my own.
"I'll be here doing paperwork"

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