Chapter Seven: Game Time

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Last night was the labyrinth putting us in fourth place. After that we celebrated getting in. Today is the actual battles. In first their is sabertooth, than a team of the magic council, they were actually allowed to enter their own games. Than mermaid heel. After them we came in and then four more guilds that I can't remember.
"Natsu, you ready, the games are about to start and the team is waiting already along with the guild" Delilah says before I get up and make my way to the balcony. The guilds were just introduced. The team returns and I take a seat.
"Welcome everyone! Unlike other years we are not doing the game that involves a person from every team. We are going to get right into the battles. First up is A rematch from five years ago" the mascot yells and everyone cheers but goes silent. What rematch. That was the last game we participated in.
"Minerva Orland of Sabertooth verses Lucy Heartiflia of the Roars of Hell" the mascot yells. Minerva hasn't changed one bit. She makes her way to the field but than Lucy walked out of a gate. The crowd goes silent as she makes her way to the center near Minerva.
"It's good to see you Lucy, how about we place a bet, you lose and I get that sword on your back and if I lose you can have whatever" Minerva says. She looks at lucy who's blonde hair is showing but nothing else. A black cloak covers her body.
Lucy reaches up and pulls her cloak off. Tattoos cover her arms and a black marking is going up her neck and chest through her right eye.
"Bet" Lucy says, her voice dangerously low. What exactly happened to Lucy over these last few years for her to become this way. Minerva makes a move and attempts to strike lucy but just when she was about to hit Lucy, she was sent flying back.
Lucy didn't even move. Minerva tried many times to strike Lucy but she didn't more nor take any damage. Minerva soon is panting when Lucy began to glow dark red. Minerva looks up. The screen zooms into her eyes which held fear.
A bright red light shines out from Lucy, a scream is heard and then all that is left is the dust. Once the dust settles their was lucy standing, unfazed. Minerva was on the ground not moving, she is down.
"Uh Lucy Wins putting Roars of Hell on top, can we get paramedics on the field, minerva is not moving" the judge says. A rematch. Lucy wanted Minerva to feel the pain she put her through and she did. String is yelling at Lucy saying how could she be so cruel. Some sabertooth members say that she should be nice seeing how she was from fairy tail.
"Five years ago I was put onto this field and she beat the shit out of me, I was just returning the favor" Lucy says before walking off. She's here and alive. But she's different yet I don't care.
Minerva is taken off the field. The next match is Jill from Clocks, a low life guild and Millie from Mermaid Hell. they battle it out only for it to be declared a tie. I think Millie should have won personally but what do I know. The other guy barely left the arena standing.
After them it's blue pegasus and Fairy Tail. Is Cas verses Eve. he's not even that strong in magic, with knowledge maybe, he lacks the will to fight. Once Cas wins putting us right up top tieing with Roars of hell. Lucy. she's here out of all places, the council member also said he hadn't heard her name in years.
Lamia scale and Roars of hell again. They pick some chick named Chance, fourteen years old. Lyon didn't even look threatened or even scared. She looks quite easy to beat.
Like Lucy's battle, she won without even moving. What the hell. Something strange is going on. Chance wins taking us out of first place and they are first, twenty points already. We have fifteen. Damn.
"That can't be right or true" Mira says burping Nora. I sit on her bed, I had told mira the events of the day and she is quite confused as I am about lucy.
"I know, something isn't right" I say, everyone is meeting at the sun rise bar to celebrate us getting second even though we all have seen lucy. Mira is leaving Nora with Wendy and Romeo along with Carla. Happy is coming with me.
When Miras back is turned I reach over and rub my water taking back my pills. They help me stay focused. Wendy and Romeo arrive letting us leave. Mira is glad to be able to have a night without Nora.
When we arrive, everyone is already getting drunk, civilians aren't here because they won't let them in. I grab myself a beer and mira gets some vodka and orange juice. Delilah is flirting with lisanna, I hope she makes a move on Lis. Mira and me have been seriously shipping the two.
"May I have your attention" everyone hears turning, there stood a girl we saw earlier. Chance. Seeing her up close she has red eyes. Blue hair and a black marking going through her right eye. She gathers everyone's attention.
"I need your guys help, I would like to talk to your master if that would be alright" everyone turns to me, I nod. Mira and Delilah follow, the barkeep lends us a little office. Chance sits before me and I sit behind a desk. Mira and Delilah stand beside me.
"It's Lucy, she's told me of you once, that was before everything went down" She said.
"What does that mean?"
"Everyone on my team doesn't want to be, we were forced to be here or we will be killed, Lucy took me in shortly after fairy tail disbanded, we lived in this secluded area of fiore" Chance says, by the tone of her voice she is ashamed of what happened or something terrible happened.
"After living in this village for a year, Zeref attacked forcing Lucy to take full transformation, she was just learning a magic that should never be rushed. She didn't defeat Zeref but he left once he believed she was dead. Soon the council came to our gates demanding us to hand her over, Lucy. they came into our home and took us both into custody" Chance says. Her eyes begin to tear up. She immediately wipes it away so we don't see.
I look to my side and Delilah and Mira are both looking at me. They aren't as tense anymore knowing she isn't planning to harm us.
"They destroyed her, they did, they took the real Lucy away from me, they are the real monsters not my kind" She says breaking out into full on tears. "They experimented on Lucy for over a year, it ended six months ago, they entered the games so they can see her full potential, she was a mother figure and they took that away from me, please I beg of you, get her back"
Chance sits their crying her eyes out; out of motherly instincts Mira goes and hugs her making her cry more.
"How do you suggest we help?"
"I don't know, they put this mark on her arm, I've done some research about it, a demonic marking that only a dragon slayer or a dragon half could reverse" she says summoning a few books and placing them on the table. I nod. A beeo her heard and Chance quickly wipes her eyes and runs out. It must be time for her to go.
"Get levy please" I ask Delilah. Mira goes back down so that no suspension is raised. Levy comes in alone, I guess mira gave Delilah the hint that I didn't want them in the room.
"This mark in this photo, I want any , I mean any information on it got it, I need it done quickly, once we learn more I'll fill you in, lets just say it's about Lucy and don't let anyone see"
"Got it" Levy says slipping the book with the picture in her little side bag. "Is lucy in danger?"
"I don't know, that mark will tell us" I said before she leaves. Lucy really went and out did herself once again. She took in a kid to raise when she can't even protect herself.
I go back down to the rest and I finish off my beer before leaving, I'm not in a partying mood. No one notices me as I slip out. Making my way back to the hotel I see lucy talking to this guy. I put a bracelet on my wrist, Delilah gave it to me. It blocks my presence and scent from people.
"Lucy, what the hell are you doing here, your supposed to be hidden" the guy says to lucy causing her to scoff at him. She definitely has attitude now, she didn't before.
"And your supposed to have one wife but hey, what do I know" lucy counters him, he doesn't even seem phased by her remark.
"Lucy, somethings different about you"
"They took literally everything from me and you expect I would remain the same, I don't even have control over my own damn body" Lucy says in an alarming tone. "I can't even think what I'm putting Chance through"
" don't worry, soon enough you'll be back where you belong, fairy tail, we just need to put you back together" the guy says walking away leaving lucy their. She slides down the wall. I take the bracelet off and I slowly walk towards her. She looked up at me and her eyes widen.
"Natsu" she whispers, mostly to herself but I heard. She brought her hand to her mouth as tears began to spill out of her eyes. I kneel down just before she grabs my shirt hugging me crying. She's hugging me really tight like if she were to let go I'd be gone.
"I fucked up again Natsu, I did it again" She cried into my neck. It feels good to have her back in my arms.
"I know Lucy, chance came to me after the games"
"She did?" I nod. "What about?"
"Your mark, she was concerned about you" I say, even though I can't see her face because she buried it in my neck and it's dark. I wrap my arms around her comforting her. This is an addicting feeling, her. Just her being here in my arms is enough for me.
Lucy sits their in my arms, eventually her tears ran out and she just sat there. I traced a tattoo on her arm with the tip of my index finger . She has many tattoos, but I have a feeling that these were her doing to cover something up.
"I'm scared natsu, I have a power that I can't control" she says. We sit in pure silence for the longest time until a bracelet on her wrist beeps like chances. She sighs.
Lucy pulls away from me standing up wiping her face. She fixes her uniform.
"Natsu, would you mind meeting me here everynight until the games are over, nighttime is the only time I have control over myself"
"I'll be here Lucy, don't worry we'll help you because your one of us" I say guestering to the pick mark the is covered by her glove. She smiles before leaving into the depths of the shadows.
I shove my hands in my pockets. I walk my way back to the hotel.

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