Chapter Ten:Where She Belongs

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Lucy doesn't move at all, she holds onto me like if she lets go I won't be their. She repostions her hands around my neck. She flinches when I touch her head. I pull away from her and when removed her hood, blood stained her blond hair.
"Who did this" I say to her and she looks down.
"My master did, I didn't get home in time last night" she says. I wipe her tears with my thumbs. This guy is getting on my nerves. First he puts a demonic mark on her to control her and then beats her.
"Is it only you he does it to?"
"Yeah" she whispers. That makes sense now, why she didn't tell anyone because chance would do anything to get the old Lucy back. She stopped being herself when he came into her life.
I take my bag off my back and I grabbed a cloth and I cleaned her wound. She doesn't even flinch when I pour rubbing alcohol on her. She just sits there. I guess after being beaten four three years she became immune to it.
I throw the cloth away and I sit on the ground next to lucy. Sits in front of me and she pulls a deck of cards out.
"Let's play go fish" she says while dealing the cards. We played a couple rounds, she always won like how it always was. I'm brutally terrible at card games. I stare at her as she puts her cards away. Her tears from earlier must of whipped her makeup off. The dark bags under her eyes are clear as day. I pour some water on another cloth. I carry a lot of them.
I gently grab her chin and she closes her eyes as I wipe the makeup off. She has a bad black eye. Huge bags under her eyes. A scar is on her cheek.
"When was the last time you slept?"
"I don't know, It's been awhile" she truthfully says.
"Why aren't you sleeping?"
"Because I Can't leave myself unprotected natsu, night time is the only time I am in control of my body, if I sleep things happen and I can't do anything so I just stopped sleeping all together" Lucy says but when she finishes a beep comes from her wrist. She looks at me before getting up and walking away. I look at her retreating figure.
It's not long before I stand before Levy's door. I knock and she opens.
"What do you have on lucy?"
"Come in" levy says. Gajeel is passed out on the bed. She leads me to the table where I see many books. "That mark is basically a branding, the person bearing the mark basically lives in hell, they have control of their body at night but if it goes on for too long it affects every aspect of their life"
"Once baring it for about four years the person who has it will lose all emotions, their own thoughts won't be their own, no one has ever lasted more than five years because they've either died or killed themselves... does Lucy have this mark?"
"She does, levy how do you reverse the mark?"
"The marking of a dragon slayer or a half dragon, I don't particularly know what marking is"
"When a dragon slayer claims their mate, they mark goes on the neck into a vein as the dragon slayer puts some of their magic into the person so the dragon slayer can't harm them with their magic" We hear from behind, Gajeel is just waking up. Igneel told me about this once.
"You know about this?" levy asks gajeel, well technically all dragon slayers have to know it.
"Yes, basically a dragon slayer has to bite their mates neck" Gajeel says further. Gajeel gets up and walks over to the tap and gets some water. He drinks the whole glass. "What are you guys even doing? It's like midnight"
"Lucy has this mark on her, it's terrible to have, basically if Lucy has it for too long she'll end up losing her life"
"And I'm guessing the marking of a dragon slayer reverses it?"
"Correct meaning, natsu I'm assuming you're going to have to reverse it" Levy says and I already knew that.
"Tomorrow after the games, I want gray ,erza, you, mira, delilah, and chance to meet me in that room back in bar" I say leaving. I am going to save Lucy because if I don't. She'll lose her life and I can't let that happen.
I get back to my room and I sit on my bed worrying about lucy. She s suffering all because I left her. This is my fault. I should have stuck around longer and maybe. Just maybe she wouldn't be like this.
All I am sure of is now, is that I can't let her go because if I do, she'll be gone forever. I grab a lacrima and I call my friend in the council Mason.
"Natsu? It's late why are you calling me?"
"Who is the master of the roars of hell?"
"Uh his name is Alex Fernadez, no he is not related to Jellal, why?"
"Are you aware that he has placed a demonic marking and abuses Lucy?" I ask and his line went quite. I hear shuffling.
"What! No, that is strictly against the rules. Is he actually?"
"Yes, I'm going to get proof okay and when I give it to you are you going to be able to lock him up for good"
"Definitely, demonic markings are forbidden and he could even receive worse punishment besides life sentence for it" Mason says and I hang up, I got what I needed. I'll have the chance to put a camera in Lucy's room. I'll also tell Lucy about it. Once he's out of the picture and they see the marking I'll mark her. But only if she allows it.

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