Chapter Five:Magic Games

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I open a letter that is from the council. Printed in big letters 'Magic Games' across the top of the letter makes me groan. I don't want to decide who's fit to participate in the magic council. I know mira can't and not Laxus. I can't either and Delilah can't. I already know Ivys going to be on the team. A lot of people don't have that sense of competition and teamwork down yet. I know for sure some people who are going to participate.
Ivy, Erza, gray, Damion, Wendy. Those are the five I have chosen, I'm not even playing favourites. If someone thinks they deserve a place all they have to do is ask me and I'll put them in the running for next year.
"Mira and Delilah come here please" I call from the balcony when my office is and retreat back to my office. Soon they both are sitting in front of me. I show them the list of five of people I've chosen for the magic games. They both review them.
"Is this the final decision?" Mira asks putting a leg over the other grabbing the paper. I shook her head so she grabs a pen and begins to write on it and Delilah looks over her shoulder.
When she hands it back to me Wendy's name is scratched out and Cassandra's name is there. She is pretty strong and shows great leadership and teamwork. I also see some suggestions of weak point within the group of five.
"Delilah do you agree?" I ask and she gives me a slight nod. It's like the two of them have gotten fond of eachother. They seem very close. I guess working in a kitchen for a few months gets two people close. Delilah leaves and Mira stays and I look at her. I know the baby and laxus is on her mind.
"Natsu what am I going to do, I can't raise this child and work, it's not possible" Mira says to me and I know I have to help her. She's always been there for me and now it's my turn to help her. She isn't ready to find another lover so this means I'll have to take some jobs to help her pay until she can get back onto her feet.
"I'll help you Mira, even if Laxus won't, you like my sister. I would literally do anything for you" I say and she smiles coming over and hugging me tight. I feel her baby bump and I smile knowing that even if this kid doesn't have a father it will have people their for it.
Mira holds onto me for dear life, I know she's scared and if someone doesn't hold her hand through it no one will. She needs to have loved ones supporting her and that's what I'm going to do.
"You know natsu, I have a feeling when you and Lucy have kids they will grow up in a good home" Mira says and I smile but soon frown. What if I don't find lucy. "You can't fool me Natsu, I know you love the girl, happy told me that the one thing that you were looking forward to was seeing Lucy and I also know your hurt knowing she isn't here"
"I thought that maybe once the name of the guild was back out their she would come back, it's been three months and no sign of her" I say and Mira smiles at me when she pulls away. Mira pats my head before walking away. She heads back down. I wonder when she'll tell the guild. I mean she's at least four months but she is still hiding the bump.
"Ivy, Erza, gray, Damion and Cassandra come to my office please" I call from the balcony again, I don't want to announce it in front of the guild. I just can't and I don't know why but it's confusing.
"You wanted to see us"
"You five will be participating in the grand magic games this year, I hope that's good?"
A collective yes gives me relief, I don't know what I would do if someone said no. I go over the rules and regulations and soon only Erza and Gray stand in front of me. I know they wanted Wendy and Juvie in to but I can't play favorites in a guild. I put my faith in these people they have to accept it.
"Why are some rookies playing in the Grand Magic Games" gray says and I take a deep breath knowing grays upset because he can't be with juvia but we need a reputation again or nothing good will come out of restarting the guild.
"I can't play favorites gray, I know their capabilities and I know you two's, this team is going to be fine but if you two have a problem with it please tell me now and I can find someone else to take your place" I state and they both go silent. I know how bad they want to participate but they should know that master taught me well after all. Playing favorites won't help anyone.
"Gray don't be mad, he's doing what any guild master would do" Erza says taking Gray by the arm and taking him out of my office. It's not long before I head clapping and my mouth drops at the sight.

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