Chapter Fourteen: Lucy's POV

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I wake up to the sun blaring in my eyes. I stretch before realising that their'sno heavy feeling on me anymore. I get up and it's mid day, I actually slept for once, it's been too long since I've slept peacefully.
A note is on the little table. It's from natsu, I know that handwriting anywhere, anyday.
There's food in the kitchen
~natsu dragneel
I sit up and I see a rag, blood on it. Am I hurt? I don't feel hurt. First things first. I need to splash water on my face.
It's not hard before I find the bathroom. I splash water on my face when I notice red scales on my neck. Pushing my hair back, Natsu marked me? I wonder where he is? Wandering into the kitchen, I get some water and make a sandwich. I'm so confused as to why I'm here, where's chance.
"It's good to see you lucy" I hear, spinning on the chair, levy walked in with Gajeel. I hug the both of them.
"Where's natsu?"
"Dealing with the team" Levy says sitting beside me and Gajeel also takes a seat at the table. I'm assuming we are in a hotel room because Natsu doesn't leave here, he lives in Magnolia.
"Lushy!" I hear and happy comes flying in and hugs me. I hug him back.
Happy takes a seat on my lap, like he used to do. Levy and me talk about what has happened over the last few years. It's good to be back here I belong. Eventually Levy and Gajeel had to go and me and happy went back into the bedroom and fell asleep.
I opened my eyes, my body is being gently shaken. Happy is gone out of my arms, where did he go. I roll over to see natsu their, why did he wake me up, I was having a dream about food.
"How are you feeling" Natsu says, he goes over to the other side of the bed and lays next to me.
"It's been a long time since I slept" I say and he smiles at me. I cuddle up in his arms, it's nice to be with him, it's been way to long. Natsu plays with my hair, I rest my head on his chest.
"I know, you can go back to sleep if you'd like" Natsu said, I shake my head hugging his chest tightly. My wrist beeps. I look at the bracelet, I tap it to see who's calling me. April is.
"I gotta go, I'll be back though" I say. Natsu kisses my forehead. I get up and put my long coat back on heading to the hotel we are staying at. On my way in Master is being dragged out of the hotel by officers. Mason walks by and nods, Natsu.
Rushing inside, the whole team is generally confused. A great big smile is on my face. I'm almost free.
"The chairmen wanted to speak with us" April says and I nod. All five of us, including chance walk into the room where the chairmen waits for us. What could he possibly want out of us?
"I gathered you all here, due to your ,master's illegal activity, the Roars of Hell are being disbanded, as of today, you guys are free" The chairmen says and we all cheer, Chance comes up and hugs me tightly. My dream is finally coming true.
The chairman requests to speak to me alone, I tell the group to wait for me outside while I talk to him. Once they are gone I stand in front of him.
"Lucy, you showed strength and passion even in the darkest days, even when you didn't have control on your body, you didn't give up, you raised a strong daughter and I'm proud of you lucy, so I would like to offer you a position on the Ten wizard saints, the first saint"

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