Prologue/Back Stories

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Krolia was sentence to death for trying to betray Zarkon. She had attempted to destroy Zarkon's main supply of quintessence. Unfortunately, they had caught her before any real damage was done. She was sentenced to be executed in front of the entire Galran empire.
Just as she was being transferred from her cell, she fought back with all she had. She fought so hard that she made her way to an empty cruiser, taking off immediately. After days of flying from Zarkon's troops, she hopped onto an escape pod. She ended up crashing a day later, on a planet called Earth.
After being found and nursed back to health by a smooth Texan, they came to fall in love. After their son was born, the galra found her and tracked her down. To protect the ones she loved, (and the blue lion they had found a few months back) she left. Keith was raised by his father with the knowledge of what and who he was. Shiro was a good friend or Keith's father, and he trusted him to take care of Keith and keep him safe, until he was ready.


Born and raised one a hidden planet in the Quantum Abyss, Kendra found out what Lotor had been doing to the alteans they were taking away. After years of teaching herself how to fly a hidden ship, she uses what power she had to open a wormhole, transporting her and her new born son to the other side of the universe. Not being able to stay conscious, she had crash landed on a farm in Cuba. (Same time Keith was born.)
She slowly woke to the cries of her child, and warm arms wrapped caringly around her. Once she healed and confirmed that she and her son were safe, she started asking questions. She had learned where she was and how long it had been.
Years passed, and she raised her son safely with the knowledge of who and what they were. She taught him the altean language, and bits of history she knew to be true to her people. Not the lies that Lotor had raised them with. When Lance turned sixteen, which was the age of maturity for alteans, he had gained his abilities given to him by his mother's bloodline.

Both boys up with similar backgrounds, and similar futures. Both alike, and yet, total opposites to the other. Both, whether they knew it or not, destined to end the war dividing the universe. Both... fated to meet. One way or another.

~AUTHOR'S NOTE: I will be updating this story every Sunday. Don't forget to look at my other books. My Klance one-shots book and the book I completely wrote on my own. Twin Eyes: Fortunes Untold.
Don't forget to vote and follow me. I hope you enjoy. Bye.

Edit: Sorry, had to fix something. Nothing is different, just fixed something.

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