Chapter 13: Sendak Outs Keith (Party 1)

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Keith's POV:

About Time!

The shields just dropped and I immediately ran in. Running as fast as I could, I went straight to the control room. When I was close enough, I saw Pidge trying to fight off Sendak herself. I quietly ran in, around the fight, and I cut through Shiro's handcuffs. We jumped up and started charging Sendak. He saw us in time to dodge and block our attacks.

"Well well, I'm impressed." Sendak sneered as we circled him. I gripped my sword tighter, and he smirked at me. "Oh my, now this truly is a shock." he said, keeping eye contact with me. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"What are you babbling on about now?" Shiro asked, jumping at him. Sendak grabbed him and threw him across the room. Then he back-handed Pidge and she went flying back into the wall.

He turned to me and charged. He tried to punch me with his robotic arm, but I ducked and sliced through his shoulder, taking off the arm. "Ahh!" he screamed, grabbing me by the back of my neck. He picked me up and brought me closer to him.

"You have no idea what kind of sword that is. Do you?" he asked, and I continued struggling to get away, not caring. He brought me even closer, right to where he could whisper in my ear. "Hybrid." he growled, and I paused. "How did he get that from my sword?"

Out of nowhere, a shot was fired and Sendak screamed as he dropped me. My bayard transformed back as I looked around for the shooter. Surprisingly, Lance was sitting up with his gun, then fell down and passed out again. "Well then..."

I turned back to Sendak and he was about to jump at me, but I jumped and kicked him first. He fell back onto the crystal platform, and a shield appeared around it. I glanced around, and Allura was at the control panel. I looked back at Sendak, and he was grinning at me. I shivered, and turned away. I put my bayard away and ran over to Lance.

"Lance? Buddy? You still there?" I asked, setting his head on my lap. I saw him trying to open his eyes, and I smiled. "It's okay, rest. I'll take care of you, buddy." I said, picking him up with ease. He made a sound of pain as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Hey! Red paladin! Do your companions know of what you are!?" Sendak yelled, and I paused. I looked down at Lance, and he looked confused. I sighed, continuing to leave.

"They know what they need to know." I mumbled under my breath, and Lance squeezed me tightly.

"E-exactly." he whispered, and I grinned. As I was leaving the control room, I saw Hunk and Coran carrying the new crystal in.

"Hey! Get that crystal hooked up!" I ordered, quickening my pace to the healing pods. By the time I got there, Lance was unconscious again. As I was changing him into the healing pod suit, the lights changed from magenta to turquoise again.

"Thank god." I sighed. I picked up Lance and walked up to the pod. It opened and I gently pressed him in until it closed. I started the healing process, and then sat and watched over him.

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