Chapter 6: Red (Part 1)

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Keith's POV:

"So, he doesn't like me coming up with plans, but it's okay if he does it? Hypocrite."

"Alright, sounds like a good plan. Princess, you and Coran should work on getting the castle's defenses up while we're gone. They won't give up the red lion without a fight." Shiro said, and I smirked. "Exactly."

"Everyone follow Keith and he'll take you to the armory. Keith, make sure they understand the bayards." Allura said, and I nodded. I turned and waved everyone to follow me. I lead them down to the floor with the lions' hangers and into a side room. There were pods with armor, color coded to their lions.

"Change into the armor with your lion's color. Then come over here." I said, pointing to a table in the middle of the room. Once they were all dressed, I opened the glass case in the table. The bayards floated up in front of me. "These are your bayards. They will transform into a weapon that best suits your skills and personality." I said, pushing them to their proper paladin. "Shiro, I'm afraid your bayard was lost with it's last paladin." I said while eyeing him, and he understood what I meant.

"I guess I'll just have to work with what I've got." I smirked at him, remembering all the times we fought without weapons. He can definitely handle himself.

"Right, let's go get that lion." Pidge said, holding up his bayard. It looked like a V-shaped green blade and sparkled with electricity. I looked at Hunk, and he had a large gun, struggling to hold it. I rolled my eyes and looked at Lance. He was already getting familiar with his new gun. I smiled, knowing I had an awesome sword.

"Alright, let's go."

Lance's POV:

"I'm so glad Allura and Coran weren't there to see that."

I know I should've been excited, but I wasn't. I was terrified. When I saw my bayard transform into a sword, I smiled. But... then I realized what kind of sword it was. My mother had told me of altean tales, their history, our history. One in particular I am remembering now.

A tale of kings past, who were given the title king because of the "True King's Sword". This sword would appear to that of royal blood, who was worthy of ruling. My mother showed me drawings, and even sculpted one to show me.

When I realized what I was holding in my hand, I panicked. I immediately mentally begged it to turn into something else, anything. Luckily, it chose a gun. I breathed out a heavy breath, relieved. I started checking out the gun, seeing what all it could do.

"Alright, let's go." I heard Keith say, and I looked up. I acted normal, walking to Blue's hanger. Once I got in the cockpit, she started talking to me.

"Lance, I know what just happened. I can feel it. You know you can't hide who you are. Even from yourself." Blue said, and I sighed.

"Blue, I can't tell them who I am when I'm not even sure anymore. I knew I was altean, but to know that I am of royal blood? Blue, it doesn't make sense. Allura's family has been ruling Altea since the beginning. You know what that would mean for me." She hesitated to say it.

"...Lance, it would mean that you are a fairly distant relative to Allura. I know you don't know how, but you are. It is a miracle that someone of the royal bloodline has lasted this long after the destruction of Altea. Lance, you are royalty whether you will acknowledge it or not." "...Quiznack."

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