(Twin Fate)
Made By Kato
Characters in this chapter:
-Kato Saguta
-Sako Saguta
-Kireina Makoto
-Kotori Omada
-Kazuma Akimoto
-Karasumi Haruka
-Tokuchi Raigano
Chapter 42: Girls Chat
Kato: "Ma-matsu! (Wa-wait!)
Tokuchi: "Sensōde wa 'matsu' koto wa arimasen. (Battle does not 'wait'.)
Sako: "Onii-chan, ganbatte ne!" (Do you best, brother.)
Kireina: "Papa, anata wa sore o suru koto ga dekimasu!" (You can do it papa!)
Tokuchi massively attacked me with no rest. I tried dodge every one of his attacks but his attacks keep hitting me. I tried to find an opening but for a counter attack but he read my thought easily. Finally, he kicked my body hard enough to make me flew to the wall.
Sako: "O nīchan! Daijōbudesu ka?" (Are you okay, brother?)
Kato: "Itaidesu." (It's hurt.)
Tokuchi: "Tch. Yowai." (Tch. Weak.)
Kotori: "Anata wa jihi ga arimasen ka?" (Don't you have mercy?)
Tokuchi: "Anata wa teki ga jihi o ataeru to omoimasu ka?" (Do you think that the enemy gives mercy?)
Kotori: "Soreha..." (That's...)
Kato: "Kotori, shinpaishinaide. Tokuchi, zokkō shimashou." (Its fine, Kotori. Raigano-san, I can still keep going.)
Tokuchi: "Sore ni tsuite wasurete. Anata no karada wa mada yowaidesu. Kore wa kyō no yuiitsu no torēningudesu." (Forget about it. Your body is still weak. This is the only training of the day.)
Kazuma: "Watashi wa dō?" (How about me?)
Tokuchi: "Tashika ni, anata ga shitai baai." (Sure, if you want to.)
Kazuma and Tokuchi went to the training field and started to spar. Kazuma went towards Tokuchi and started to attack him furiously. Tokuchi dodge every of Kazuma's attacks. Then, Tokuchi countered Kazuma's attacks and started to attack him. Surprisingly Kazuma dodged one of Tokuchi's attacks and counter it.
Kato: "Sugoi." (Amazing...)
Sako: "Un." (Yeah.)
Kotori: "Kare wa anata yori mo sugurete iru, Katō." (He's better than you, Kato.)
Tokuchi: "Warukunai." (Not bad.)
Kazuma: "Sore wa dōmo arigatō" (Why thank you.)
Tokuchi: "Amarini mo taijū o otosanaide kudasai." (Don't get too cocky.)
Tokuchi punch Kazuma right at his stomach. Kazuma thrown up and Tokuchi told that the training has ended for today.
Kato: "Anata wa daijōbudesuka?" (Are you alright?)
Kazuma: "Ē. Ore wa daijōbudesuyo." (Yeah. I'm okay.)
Kireina: "Isha no heya ni ikimashou." (Let's go to the doctor's room.)
Kazuma: "Tashikani." (Sure.)
Kireina: "Anata mo, papa." (You too, Papa.)
Kato: "Kekkōdesu." (No thanks.)
Kotori: "Tada iku! Anata wa tadashiku kera remashita ka? Anata ga fushō shita tokiniha,'arigatai koto wa arimasen." (Just go! You have been kicked right? So there's 'no thanks' when you're injured.) –Suddenly gets mad-
Kato: "Hai... Omada-sama..." (Okay... Miss Omada
Kireina bring me and Kazuma to the infirmary to treat our injuries leaving Sako and Kotori in the training room.
Sako: -Grinned-
Kotori: "So-sorehanandesuka?" (Wha-what is it?)
Sako: "Anata wa hontōni Onii-chan ga daisukidesu. (You sure love Onii-chan so much.)
Kotori face suddenly turned red and said "Anata no kangae to chigau... Watashi wa chōdo..." (It's not like what you think... I just...)
Sako: "Anata wa kare ga daisukinanode, kizutsukeru no o miru koto wa dekimasen." (You just love him so much that you can't see him hurt.)
Kotori: -Blushed-
Sako: "Sudeni kare ni tada kokuhaku suru koto wa dekimasu ka? Hoka no darekaga kare ni kokuhaku suru mae ni." (Can you just confess to him already? Before someone else confess to him.)
Kotori: "Mada junbi dekite inai..." (I'm not ready yet...)
Sako: "Sore wa anata shidaidesu." (It's up to you.)
Kotori: "......"
Karasumi entered the training after Sako and Kotori finished their conversation. She told them to meet me and Kazuma at the Doctor's room.
Kato: "Itaidesu!" (It's hurt!)
Doctor: "Ima ima. Ochitsuite kudasai. Shibarakunoaida kizutsukeru dakedesu." (Now, now. Please calm down. It's only hurt for a while.)
Sako: "Anata wa daijōbudesu ka ne, Onii-chan?" Are you alright, onii-chan?)
Kato: "Mae yori yoi." (Better than before.)
Kotori: "Anata wa hontōni motto kunren suru hitsuyō ga arimasu." (You really need to train more.)
Kato: "Un, wakatte iru" (Yeah, I know.)
Karasumi: "Migi kono ato, kimitachi wa ie ni mukaimasu. Raishū ni shiken ga aru koto o wasurenaide kudasai." (Right after this, you guys will head home. Don't forget that you got an exam next week.)
Everyone: "Hai, Sensei." (Yes, Sensei.)
Karasumi: "Sore wa koko no kyaputendesu!" (It's captain here!)
Then Sako, Kireina and I went home together. Kazuma and Kotori went their home after us. When we reached our home, we had dinner and study together until we sleep.
To be continued...
AdventureThis is the story about a twin brother and sister.They used to live normally until one girl appeared in their life. Their life change since that meeting.