TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 66: Accidental Accident

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(Twin Fate)

Made By Kato

Characters in this chapter:

-Kato Saguta

-Sako Saguta

-Kireina Makoto


-Ririnko Saguta

-Kazuma Akimoto

-Wendy Kirisaki

-Dark Rose


Chapter 66: Accidental accident

Ririnko: Kato! -rush to Kato and hug him-

Kato: Onee-san?

Ririnko: I'm glad you're okay.

Right after I went home, I was greeted by my sister. She hugged me as a sign of concern. I don't remember what happened that made her sad. Probably something bad.

Ririnko: Are you okay? Any injuries?

Kato: Yeah, I'm fine. No injuries, see?

Ririnko: It's good then.

Ririnko's expression suddenly changed. From a worried sister to a mad sister. She scolded me for secretly sneaking out from the dhouse and used Kaneko as a decoy to confuse her. I was only able to lower my head and heed her warnings. Sako on the other hand, slowly walked to her room while giving me signs of apology.

A few minutes later, Ririnko stopped and told me to go to my room. I humbly walked to my room without any sense to argue back. Right after I entered my room, I let out a heavy sigh. I mumbled to myself for a while and noticed Kaneko sleeping on my bed. He noticed my presence and woke up immediately. He started babbling on me about what have he had been through.

Kaneko: So, what happened? I was unconscious since the day before yesterday.

Kato: I don't know. I can't remember a thing about what had happened. They said that I tried to stop a fight between Kotori and Wendy and ended up getting hurt so bad.

Kaneko: How did you even entered the Dark Zone?

Kato: I said I don't remember. When I regain my conscious, I was in the hospital. They said Kireina took some of my memories to heal me. That's the reason I can't remember anything that had happened to me that day.

Kaneko: Is that so. How are you now?

Kato: I'm okay now. Thank you for your concern.

It was in the evening. Ririnko called my name from outside of my room. She told me to come to the living room. I slowly walked to the living because I could still feel minor pain on my right leg. I saw Kazuma on the couch when I reached the living room.

Kazuma: Yo. How are you feeling?

Kato: Not as better as you. So, what's the deal?

Kazuma: Oh, come on. We've known each for quite a while, right?

Kato: Did something happened, while I was unconscious?

Kazuma: Here.

Kazuma handed me a letter with my name written on it. I asked him about the letter, but he told me to open it to find out. Curiously I opened the letter. I was surprised when I found out that the letter was my exam results. I looked at all of my grades and found that my History subject that Karasumi marked got a 'B-' grade.

Kato: What? How come?

Kazuma: You should be grateful. I got a C for this subject. Even though I studied so hard for this. *sob* *sob*

Kato: Haha... I'm number 17 in the school rank. Who's number one?

Kireina: It's me!

Kireina suddenly showed up behind me with a high tone. This surprises me. Then, I instinctively stood up and ended getting hurt from my injury. She then apologized to me for startling me. Kazuma stared at Kireina for quite a while. Kireina started to feel uneasy and asked Kazuma to stop staring at her.

Kazuma: Hey, Kato. Who's that?

Kato: You mean you didn't know? Did you tell him, Kireina?

Kireina: No, I didn't.

Kazuma: Kireina?! Is this some kind of a prank?

Kato: Ha-ha-ha... I'll tell you the details later.

I then asked Kireina where Sako's at. She said Sako is sleeping in her room. She also told me to not bother her in her sleep. She's having a hard time to sleep because she was worried about me. I felt quite guilty at her.

Time passed and Kazuma went home before it's dark. I went to the bathroom to take a bath. I opened the bathroom door without looking at the occupied sign. Right after I opened the door, I saw a girl right in front of me. It was Sako. I froze for a moment until she started shouting and throwing stuff towards me.

Sako: Kyaaa!!!

Kato: W-Wait! This is an—

Sako: Get out! -throwing stuff towards Kato-

Kato: Grah...

A hairdryer hit my head. My mind was spinning in circle. Sako then shouted my name and asked me I was okay or not. I couldn't respond and she ended up begging for forgiveness. Ririnko heard the ruckus and saw me lying on the floor.

Ririnko: Kato! What happened?

Kato: Ergh...

Sako: I accidentally threw a hairdryer right at his face.

Ririnko: What?! He just got discharged from the hospital you know!

Sako: I'm sorry! Onii-chan forgive me!


Wendy: I have return...

Dark Rose: Ara. Early than the promised date. Did something happen?

Wendy: I don't want to talk about it.

Dark Rose: Ara. Poor my little Wendy. You know where you should go now, right?

Wendy: Yes...

Wendy slowly walked in a big room. The room was so dark and gloomy. She stopped her steps after and kneeled. The gloomy room suddenly lights up with several torches.

Wendy: I have returned to continue my mission with you, Overlord-sama.

Overlord: Wendy. Did you get what you desire while you were out from my commands?

Wendy: I didn't. And I decided to forget about it and focus on my mission. And that mission is to assist you on reviving the sealed spirit, "Noroi". I vow follow your every command. I'm yours now.

Overlord: Splendid. Gahahaha... HAHAHAHAHA!

Wendy: (Goodbye, To-kun.)

To be continued...

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