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Ethan sat there, wincing as her sharp fangs penetrated his delicate skin.

She moaned when his sweet blood flooded her mouth. Sucking with urgency and desperation. Its been days since she's fed.

His jaw locked at the burning sensation. It wasn't the most pleasant experience, but he'd do anything for her.

Emma began to rock herself in his lap. Loosing control of her body movements as she got drunk of his fiery fluids. Scorching her throat like bourbon.

Rubbing her aching core on his growing erection in excitement.

Despite the pain he felt, he could also feel shocks of pleasure. Curling his toes as the sensation came faster and more profound. Call him a masochist, but he got off from the pain mixed with excruciating pleasure.

It hurt so good.

"Alright that's enough." He begrudgingly tugged on her wild hair to get her to stop.

No matter how sinfully amazing it felt, he knew his limit. His mortality impeding their fun.

"What if I want to suck you dry." Emma teasingly whispered in his ear.

Giving his ear lobe a quick flick of her tongue, and a gentle tug with her teeth.

"Well then I hope you'll find some other body part of mine equally worthy of sucking." Ethan said with a cocky smirk.

"You're lucky I find you charming or else I would have killed you by now for all your god awful jokes I'm forced to put up with." Emma teased.

"Where's the fun in that." Ethan said.

"You're right." Emma said.

"Aren't I always." Ethan gloated.

"I say its a 50/50 chance Dolan." She kissed the tip of his nose sweetly.

"Now c'mon lover boy, we don't have much time to get ready. We have dinner at your brother's house in an hour." Emma said.

"You just ate." Ethan pointed out.

"You were merely a snack." Emma said.

"Oh yeah, if that's all I am to you then I hope you don't mind that your my dessert for tonight." Ethan said.

Emma's breathe hitched as he rubbed small circles on her hips.

"Get your paws off me before we start something we both know we cant finish. I refuse to be late again. As if it wasn't embarrassing enough last time when their noses picked up on why we were late." Emma said.

"Don't deny it. You loved it." Ethan said. Gripping her hips and pulling her closer to his body.

Emma looked up at him and her eyes sparkled with love. The same look that changed the course of their lives forever.


"She needs to feed Ethan" Kyle groaned as he yanked out the wooden steak protruding from his shoulder.

Ethan looked from Kyle to Emma.

He grasped her face, and she nuzzled her face into his palms.

"Emma I cant ask you to do that. I won't." Ethan said.

"I'm doing this for us Ethan. I want to be with you. After everything we've gone through,  we deserve this. Deserve to be happy." Emma said. Trying to reassure him that being a vampire was worth it if it meant living with him for a few more years.

"But I'll age and wither Emma. Werewolves aren't immortal."

"Then when the time comes, ill stake myself in the heart. Ill never be far from you."

"We'll be living on the run. Always changing locations when people notice you don't age. We wont have a place to call home."

" You are my home Ethan."  Emma said as she caressed his face.

"Plus I've always wanted to travel the world." She teased.

"Are you sure?" Ethan asked once more.

"I've never been more positive." Emma confidently said.

Ethan looked at Kyle and with a nod Ethan stepped away.

Kyle brought over one of the witches left behind who was barely conscious. He bit into his arm and offered it to Emma. Without any hesitation she lunged at the arm. Finally quenching the her dry throat and sedating her hunger. The blood felt like fire going down her esophagus and she has never felt more alive.

End of flashback

" Of course I love it because I love you." Emma said gently.

Ethan's thumb caressed the side of her cheek and he closed the gap between them. Their lips softly pressing against one another. Timid and tender as if one of them would break in pieces if they pressed too hard. Emma felt her knees buckle. Ethan's grip being the only thing that was keeping her from falling.

"I'll love you to the end of time." Ethan whispered.

Their lips were barely millimeters apart as he whispered his infinite love to her.

"I'm holding you to that promise Dolan." Emma sweetly whispered.

"We should go. We don't want to keep them waiting do we?" Ethan asked.

"I mean... we're already a tad late. Whats the rush." Emma said as she brushed her lips against his.

She rubbed his naked chest in a soothing manner. Her finger slowly trailed downwards until they lovingly curled around his belt.

"Join me in the shower." Emma purred.

His breathe hitched as she teasingly stroked his cock from outside his pants.

"Lead the way." He said.

She's going to be the death of me one day' Ethan thought to himself as he followed his seductress.

However, nothing was better than the thrill the dark side gave you. Especially when it came in the sweetest of ways.

The End.

AN: Subtle hints were dropped. 1.) Yes Olivia and Grayson finally moved in together

2.) So did Ethma. Emma decided she wanted a fresh start and moved to new jersey.

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