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Emma leaned her head against the air plane window while Amanda snored next to her. She knew she had to kill her mother, but how we she going to explain it to Ethan. Even if she told him that all their problems would be solved by doing so he would be against it. Ethan, better than anyone else, knows the pain that comes with losing a parent. It doesn't matter that her mother was absent the majority of her life. Ethan is too selfless to ask Emma to do this for them, but Emma couldn't let her get away with it. Not only did Sophia have the audacity to threaten her own daughter, but she threatened to murder the love of her life. To top it all off she's trying to cause a massacre. Hundreds if not thousands of innocent werewolves and vampires will die on her command.

Amanda had given her an ultimatum and as much as she wanted to protect Ethan from this revelation... she had to come clean.

* * * * * * *

Emma crashed into Ethan's body the second she saw him. Breathing in his comforting scent of warm notes of vanilla and coffee mixed with an earthy musk.

"Hey." He murmured in her ear.

She hugged him tighter and buried her face into his chest. Rubbing her cheek on the soft material of his flannel. "I missed you." Her muffled voice said.

Amanda awkwardly cleared her throat as she stood there with their luggage. "We should go inside." She said as they broke apart.

"Yeah, good idea." Emma said

Ethan rested his hand behind Emma's back and ushered them inside to his and Kyle's dorm. Kyle was there on the bed sitting next to a grumpy Grayson and a tired Olivia. It was currently 12 in the morning, but Emma needed to say what she had found out now before she lost her courage. Luckily for her they were all anxious to hear what they had discovered.

"I need you guys to promise that you won't freak out or think of me differently." Emma said.

Amanda put a hand on her shoulder to show her support. A proud smile grazing her features knowing that Emma was going to do the right thing. Ethan followed suit by reaching over to hold her hand. He squeezed Emma's hand to reassure her that he was here for her and that everything was going to be okay. She took a deep breathe and finally told them everything.

"You've known for 3 days?" Grayson asked in shock.

"I knew she had something to do with it, but I wasn't certain what her role in all of this was until yesterday. I guess I always held hope that maybe she was accidentally coerced into participating, but now I know she's been the mastermind all along." Emma said.

"But why vampires?" Kyle said.

"Well, they were the last ones to be formed. My grandmother also mentioned how in the early 1900's they used the propaganda that it was unnatural how they made children." Amanda said.

"But we're sterile." Olivia said sadly.

"Technically yes, but you can sire "children" when you turn someone. It contradicts the laws of nature in their eyes." Amanda said.

"This just sounds like a bunch of excuses." Grayson grumbled.

"They are. It's them not accepting that they can't control everyone in the supernatural realm. If they can't control you then they want you out of their way." Emma said.

"Hate to be the one who asks, but someone has to. How did you not know?" Kyle asked.

Ethan glared at him, but Emma raised her hand at him to tell him it was okay. After all it's a valid question. " We were never close. She was never the nurturing type. Sometimes I think she only had me to keep my dad around, so she could blend into the coven as the perfect woman. She had a job, a family, and participated in society. In their eyes she had it all. They never saw that she fought with her husband every night or could care less about her own daughter. My dad protected me from her rage for most of my childhood, but when he left..." Emma sniffled and Ethan wrapped his arm around her. Giving Emma the strength to continue. She had only ever confided in him with this secret, " My mother use to beat me whenever I was out of line which was often for her clumsy child. I never met her standards and the second I turned 18, I utilized my freedom to get her as far away from my life as possible. I still see her from time to time at the coven gatherings, but our relationship is strained. We never go past a superficial conversation. I didn't want her to know about my life and frankly I didn't want to know about hers." Emma said.

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