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"Great so the witch we came to see is an alcoholic. No wonder you two get along." Grayson said.

They were standing outside a grimy old bar after their 2 hour drive. Grayson judged the place up and down and asked himself how Ethan found himself here last summer. The entrance was in a creepy alley way and there was a tacky neon blue arrow pointing them in.

"Recovering alcoholic thank you very much. In fact my journey of sobriety began here. Now I just drink in moderation. Anyways none of that matters. All you need to know is that my witch is in there." Ethan said.

"How do you know they'll even be here E. It's been a whole year since you've been in New York." Olivia asked.

"You'll see." Ethan said.

As soon as they entered Ethan spotted Emma. His body drawn to her by an unexplainable magnetic force. She was smiling and giggling while she talked to customers. Tossing the cocktail shaker like nobody's busy and garnering attention with her entertaining tricks. He was ecstatic and relieved to see her again. Not gonna lie, he was a little worried that she might have quit. This bar was a constant reminder of their summer together, so he wouldn't blame her if she quit to have a fresh start.

Nothing much changed about her. She still wore her light brown hair in a high ponytail, wore minimal to no makeup, and she still preferred comfort over fashion. Although she looked classy, he could spot little details that were so like Emma to do. Most people wouldn't notice, but he would. He always did.

Something that caught his eye was a dainty silver necklace that sat on her chest. Whatever was hooked on to the necklace was hidden behind her shirt, but he didn't need to see it to know. He would know because he bought it for her. Before Ethan left he purchased a gift. Something small that she could remember him by. Probably not one of his best ideas, but he was a little selfish. He wanted her to carry a small wolf charm with her, so she knew he would always belong to her..

The fact that she actually wore it after he left gave him the courage to finally go up to her.

"Now's not the time for a drink Ethan." Kyle said.

If Ethan heard Kyle, he made no indication. he simply kept walking and the group followed in suit.

"Bartender, Can I get a Vodka Tonic." Ethan shouted over the music.

Emma got whiplash from how quick her head turned at the sound of his voice. At first she thought she had imagined it, but the second his eyes met hers she almost fell apart. Almost being the key word.

" Well,well,well. Look who came back. I thought I gave you up for adoption." Emma said.

"You know what they say. Dogs are loyal creatures. They always find their way back home to their owners." Ethan said.

" You brought all your friends, so I'm assuming this isn't a pathetic attempt for a booty call." Emma smirked.

She offered him a glass with Bourbon.

"That's not what I ordered." Ethan said.

"I know, but I always did hate vodka. Never liked the taste it left on your tongue..." She trailed off.

"So what are you doing here. I thought we agreed that you would leave and never come back." Emma said.

"I need your help. Magic related help." Ethan whispered lowly.

"What kind of fucking trouble have you gotten yourself into that made you break your promise E." Emma said.

Emma looked around and angrily sighed knowing this wasn't the place to talk about it. You never knew when someone could be listening in. It wasn't safe to be out and the open with him and risk one of the many eyes on her going and snitching. The last thing she wanted to do was take her biggest temptation to her apartment, but what choice did she have. Ethan has never lied to her before, so she knows this isn't a ploy he conjured up just to see her. 

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