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"So then that's how organs are then formed by the functional grouping together of multiple tissues." Ellie concluded.

"Woah, that's a lot to take in. Do you think we can call it a day? I heard somewhere that it's better to break up the material, so it stays in your memory longer." Ethan said.

Ellie giggled, "No, yeah I totally agree. This is a perfect place to stop." Ellie said.

Ethan finished packing his belongings and walked towards the door. Ellie was kind enough to escort him out.

"I really appreciate you wasting your Tuesday night just to tutor me Ellie. I honestly can't thank you enough. You are literally an angel sent from the heavens. I truly feel confident now about passing my exam." Ethan said. 

He sent her that beautiful smile that always caused her heart to beat out of her chest. Ellie felt her face flush at his generous words. She couldn't pinpoint when it happened, but Ellie had fallen for Ethan. He wasn't anything like people said he was. The time she spent with him allowed her to meet the real man behind the leather jacket, and he was a total sweetheart.

"No problem. See you on Monday?" Ellie asks.

He nods. Ellie is about to close the door, but she stupidly blurts out.


Ethan stopped and turned around. Ellie's palms began to sweat and she felt a tremor run through her body. Why was she so impulsive? Ellie cursed to herself. Of course she was tempted to ask him out, but she never would have guessed in a million years she would actually do it. She couldn't even take it back and pretend she didn't say anything because Ethan was raising an eyebrow for her to continue.

"Would you- I mean only if you're not busy...Do you wanna..." Ellie stuttered out.

"Would I?" Ethan smiled.

'Just spit it out' She scolded herself. ' It's not that hard to say, hey do you wanna come to Spencers party with me?'. Ellie opened and closed her mouth a couple times before she eventually stopped trying.

"You know what forget it. I'm so ditzy I just remembered that we don't need to reschedule because I got the days mixed up." Ellie lied.

Whether he bought her lie was unknown to Ellie. She was too preoccupied with coming up with an excuse to save herself from the embarrassment to care. 

"Don't worry it happens to all of us. Well, see you Monday." Ethan said.

Ellie sighed and closed the door shut. She leaned against it as she replayed her words over in her head. If only she was brave enough to shoot her shot with him. Tears threatened to trickle down her cheeks as her frustration with herself grew. Taking a deep breathe she decided it was for the best. She almost opened her mouth and potentially ruined everything. Imagine how awkward it would be when he came over for a study session. He'd probably avoid her like the black plague if she revealed her feelings for him. From then on she would always be known as the girl he rejected.

Ellie threw herself on the bed face down and groaned. What the hell was she thinking? It's better to leave things how they are. No need to ask for more when being friends was more than enough.

If only her heart would agree with her brain.

*           *           *            *            *            *              *            *

" It's time." A cloaked figure said.

Their faces barely visible in the shadows of the night. The four membered council that surrounded the table anxiously looked at one another, but no one dared to speak up against the leader. They were the chosen leader of the coven for a reason and if they said it was time then the council will wholeheartedly put their faith in them. They've been waiting for this moment for over a millennium. It was finally time to enact the cleanse that would purify the whole world.

"How will we proceed." A gruff voice said.

"Leave that to me. I have the perfect host that will bring the down fall to the those abominations of nature once and for all." The cloaked leader said. 

The sinister smirk that resided on their faces could make any grown man quiver in fear.

*           *           *            *            *            *              *            *

"You're back." Kyle said surprised once Ethan walked through their dorm room.

"Of course I'm back. I live here don't I." Ethan sarcastically responded.

"That's not what I mean and you know it. I thought you were having a sleepover today. I'm surprised Ms. tutor didn't give you a special invitation to stay. You know what I take it back. I'd be even more shocked to find out that she asked you to stay the night, and you simply refused." Kyle ranted.

Ethan was in the process of changing into his pajamas when he momentarily stopped what he was doing .  He gave Kyle a confused look. What the hell was he talking about. He was too tired to try and figure it out.

"What are you talking about. It's not like that between Ellie and I." Ethan said.

"You sure? Care to explain why Ellie always has admiration and love pooling in her eyes every time she looks at you. Everyone in the hallway can see it." Kyle said.

"We're just friends." Ethan said on the verge of growling. All he wanted was to go to bed. Not have his roommate pester him about a nonexistent dilemma.

"To you maybe. You are so darn oblivious E. She's totally into you." Kyle said.

"You're insane! Nothing has happened that would fall out of the realms of a platonic relationship. Contrary to popular belief guys and girls can be friends." Ethan said.

Kyle sighed at how hopeless his friend was. How was Ethan ever going to find a girl if he was utterly blind to all the signs. He just wants to help. It's heartbreaking to see your friend pining over some girl who wont give him the time of day. At least with Ellie, Ethan would always be appreciated. Was it such a bad thing to want your friend to be happy?

"You know what, forget about it. I forgot you're under a love spell that incapacitates your girl radar. You couldn't be able to spot an amazing girl even if she hit you right in your face." Kyle blurted out.

"You're not wrong. Love spell indeed." Ethan whispered to himself.

Kyle almost missed what he said if it weren't for his super hearing. Now he felt like such an ass. Ever since Ethan got back from New York last summer he hasn't been the same, but instead of being a good friend he used the touchy subject to hurt Ethan. There was no need to add more salt to the wounds.

"I'm sorry, that was out of line E. I'm just worried about you. I see how much Ellie cares for you, and I got too excited because you deserve something good in your life. After everything that happened with your parents I just thought- It doesn't matter now I suppose. I'm truly sorry." Kyle apologized.

"It's okay. I know deep down you meant well." Ethan said.

"So is this the part where we kiss and make up." Kyle joked to ease the tension.

Ethan chuckled, "Look just because I don't like Ellie it doesn't mean I go for the other team."

Kyle faked an exaggerated gasp, " Does that mean you won't be my date for Spencer's party this Friday. Olivia and Grayson will be there..." Kyle said.

Ethan contemplated it. Parties weren't really his thing. He'd rather get drunk with Olivia, Grayson, and Kyle in the comfort of his own dorm. Far away from drama and fights that were bound to happen with so many drunk college kids.

" I'll go if you promise to lay off my love life from now on." Ethan said.

Kyle enthusiastically nodded.

"Fine. It's just one party. What's the worst that can happen." Ethan said.

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