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"You sure this is the right place." Emma said as they pulled up in front of a house.

"When have I ever been wrong." Amanda said getting out of the car.

"Well that time you said Corey had a crush on- and I'll shut up. So are we gonna knock or are we going in Charlie's Angels style." Emma said. "Amanda what's wrong?" She asked when Amanda turned pale white.

"What if I made a mistake. What if I've walked us right into a trap and she's exiled for a good reason." Amanda ranted nervously. Something didn't feel right. Amanda felt the energy around her and it felt off.

"And what if she's they key to everything. Come on we've made it this far. We need to follow our gut." Emma optimistically said.

"Emma." Amanda said in panicked tone. Blindly reaching for Emma's arm and stopping her from knocking.


"I can't see anything." Amanda shrieked.

"What?" Emma looked around," It's not that dark outside."

" No. I literally can't see anything." Those were the last words Emma heard before everything went black.

* * * * * * *

Emma felt someone's palm tapping her face. She gasped for air as water was dunked over her head.

"Wake up." A voice said.

She blinked a couple of times to get the water droplets out of her eyes. Her head still felt hazy and it took her a while for her vision to adjust to see who was standing in front of her.

"Who sent you." The voice said.

"Where's Amanda?" Emma weakly asked. However, her words only came out in a slur.

"I said. Who sent you girl. I won't hesitate to hurt you and your little friend to get it out of you. What do you want from me."

"Amanda." Emma repeated.

"What did you say." The stranger pulled Emma's limp head up. Emma winced as she felt some hairs being pulled out by the force.

"What do you want with my granddaughter." The voice growled.

Emma looked around the room and noticed that Amanda was passed out a few feet away from her. "I don't want anything. She's over there." Emma said.

"You're lying." Emma's head whipped to the side. Her cheek stinging from the impact.

"Wake her up and ask her yourself. She said we could trust you." Emma said. "As for who I am. I'm just like you. Someone who doesn't belong in the Sinclair coven."

Amanda groaned as she woke up from her own slumber. A women bent down in front of her with tears in her eyes.She looked just like Amanda remembered her, "Is it true. Are you Amanda?"

"I missed you ma'moo." Amanda said and was quickly embraced into a tight warm hug.

"I hate to cut the reunion short, but we have questions if that's alright with you Mrs. Pavillard." Emma said as she soothed her red cheek.

"Emile is fine dear. I'm sorry for hitting you. You can understand why I'm a bit skeptical of you. You just look a lot like her."

"Like who?" Emma asked.

"Your mother." Emile said.

"You knew my mother?"Emma gasped.

"She's a face I could never forget." Emile said bitterly. "She was there for my exile."

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