Thank You!

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Began November 23, 2019- Finished March 20, 2020

There are no words to express my gratitude for everyone who read this book and supported me along the way. It's not perfect and has some inconsistencies, but as the first book I have ever written 19 chapter for I am incredibly proud. I couldn't have done it without you guys. There was many times I felt like quitting but everyone was so patient and continued cheering me on through the tough times. I love you all! I have more stories to come and maybe this won't be the last time we see werewolf Ethan and witch Emma or even vampire Emma...

Its hard to believe that this journey all began because of this idea

"Lucky for you, I have a witch." Ethan said with a smirk.

"Well,well,well look whos back for more. Cant get enough of me wolfie." Emma said.

"Emma youre more gorgeous than ever."

"Flattery wont get you far, what do you want E?"

"We need you to do a spell for us." Ethan admitted.

"Wow how did I not see this coming." Emma sarcastically said.

"Please, its important. You might want to sit down its kind of a long story."

"So how do you guys know each other?" Ellie asked.

"You know, wolves make incredible lovers." Emma said.

The story evolved and changed for a variety of reasons, but the thought that went into it made me love it even more. For instance, Ellie's character was originally meant to be part of the main friend group, but I hated the idea of her being the girl that's sole purpose was to pin after Ethan. It all began from a place of jealousy and i wanted her to be more than that. It would make a good one shot but not a good character for a book. By making her a friend and a mature person that accepted that her crush loved someone else it gave me the opportunity to focus on the beautiful relationship Emma and Ethan could have. Also some realism that not all supernatural creature get along with one another.

If any one is curious this is how I plan a book out here are some examples out of my notebook:

If any one is curious this is how I plan a book out here are some examples out of my notebook:

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