This Was Not How It Should Have Gone

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Greer and Hudson had been in college for a month.  They were finally getting a schedule down, but neither of them felt like they were doing what they needed to be doing for the other or for Presley.

Greer had gone over to the daycare and gotten Presley.  She had missed her and needed some time with her girl.  She thought it would be nice to have a lunch with her daughter and boyfriend.

Greer kissed Presley's head and said, "Hey baby girl.  Lets go surprise daddy with a lunch date.  Momma has missed having more time with you.  Then I have to take you back to the daycare before my last class and I get to have some time with you there."

Greer looked ahead and saw Hudson standing with a girl she didn't know.  Then she saw the girl grab his hand and kiss him.  Greer gasped and the two of them looked over at her.  Greer quickly turned on her heels and retreated.  She kissed the side of Presley's head and pulled out her cell phone.  She dialed Clara and waited for her to answer.  She heard the click and the tears started.  She said, "Clara, I need you."

Clara could hear the urgency in her voice.  She asked, "What's wrong?  Is it Presley?  Is it Hudson?"

Greer sniffled and said, "He is with another girl."

"What are you talking about?"

"Hudson kissed the girl from his class.  I have Presley.  We were going to surprise him for lunch.  I just..."

"Where are you right now?  I'm coming to you."

"By the library.  He was yelling for me, but I couldn't hear it right now."

"I want you to call off at the daycare.  You, me and Essie are going to go shopping.  Then we are going to go home.  The two of you are going to take a nap and I am going to ask my brother what the heck is going on.  It could have been something different than it seemed, but I want you to know that I am here for you, like I should have been years ago.  I'll meet you in ten minutes."  The two of them hung up.  Clara had never been so upset with her brother than she was at that moment.

Hudson was dumbfounded that Kyla from his class had the audacity to grab his hand and then kiss him when he had been telling her for weeks that he was very much in love with his girlfriend and that her and their daughter were his world.

Kyla batted her eyelashes and asked, "What is her problem?"

"That was my girlfriend!  That was my baby.  I told you to leave me alone.  I don't want you touching me or even looking at me again.  You just ruined everything.  She is never going to forgive me for this."

"Then you will be free..."

"Don't even finish that thought.  I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with that woman and our sweet baby girl.  If she dumps me and takes away my baby you will regret ever talking to me.  Leave. Me. Alone.  You have already done enough damage.  Now I have to go fix this."  

He took off after Greer yelling her name but she never looked his away.  He watched her shoulders sag as she walked away with their baby.

Clara found Greer.  She wrapped her arms around her and held her as she cried.  She said, "Come on.  I'll text Hudson and tell him that he sucks and that you both are okay.  We are going to go shopping.  You are going to have a mani/pedi and relax.  My sweet niece is four months old and you hardly ever do anything for yourself.  That is going to change today.  I want you to spoil yourself for once.  Then I want to tell my brother off for being a bonehead."

"Thank you.  I know you would rather not spend time with me, but I appreciate you being here for me when I need someone most."

"From now on.  Us girls have to stick together.  My brother may be stupid, but he really does care about you.  I really don't think you have anything to worry about when it comes to him.  I've never seen him so obsessed with anything other than you and Presley."

"But he was there and her lips were on his.  I can't do this.  I should have known better.  We are in college.  He doesn't want to be tied down.  He doesn't want to be with me like I thought he did."

"That is where you are wrong.  He loves you so much.  He loves this little girl more than you know.  He doesn't want to be with anyone other than you.  I'm sure this is just a huge misunderstanding.  Lets go clear your mind and take a break.  It's not going to hurt to take an afternoon off.  You can yell at my brother tonight.  He definitely deserves it."

"Thank you."  The two of them took Presley and went out for an afternoon just to be teenage girls.

When the girls got home they found Hudson pacing the house.  He had tear stains going down his cheeks.  Clara said, "I'm going to take the princess and go love on her for a bit.  The two of you talk about your crap and figure out what is going on.  Essie deserves that much.  But I swear H, if you hurt her I'll kill you."  They she walked away.

Greer sniffled and said, "I'll move my stuff out of your room and give you all your space back.  You are in college.  I should have never made you feel like you had to be with me.  We are too young for this.  Presley just needs us happy.  If you are happy, that is what matters.  I never should have forced you into this."

He held her by the arms and said, "I love you.  Only you and Presley.  Kyla is an idiot that cannot take a hint.  I want you and only you.  I'm going to drop that class and get a restraining order.  I am not going to let her ruin us.  I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"You do?"

He sighed.  "This isn't how this should have gone, but I want you to know that I've loved you for practically my whole life.  I can't picture being married to anyone else.  Will you marry me?  Will you make me the happiest man in the world?  I want to raise Presley with you and have more babies in the future.  I want to take on this crazy life with you and only you."

Greer gasped...

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